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Artikelnummer: 000147093

SC Series VASA Provider

Zusammenfassung: This page provides information on the SC Series VASA Provider. VMware vSphere Storage APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA) enables unprecedented coordination between VMware vSphere/vCenter and storage arrays. ...



VMware® vSphere Storage APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA) enables unprecedented coordination between VMware vSphere®/vCenter® and storage arrays. It provides built-in storage insight in vCenter to support intelligent VM storage provisioning, bolster storage troubleshooting and enable new DRS-related use cases for storage.

Dell EMC SC Series storage supports VASA through the provider included in Dell Storage Manager (DSM) and Unisphere Central for SC Series, starting with the DSM 2016 R1 release and supported in all later releases. 


This provider is compatible with vSphere/vCenter and supports SC Series arrays, as described on the VMware Compatibility Guide.

The SC Series VASA provider is compliant with VASA version 1.0, VASA version 2.0, and VMware Virtual Volumes™. This provider replaces the VASA-1.0-compliant Dell Compellent VASA Provider, previously packaged with the Compellent Integration Tools for VMware (CITV) kit.
SLN310092_en_US__2i_storage_VASA Provider_N_V1

Compatible vSphere versions

vSphere compatibility information is listed as follows:
  • VASA 1.0 compatible with VMware vSphere 5.5, 6.0 and 6.5
  • VASA 2.0 compatible with VMware vSphere 6.0 and 6.5

System requirements

SC Series arrays are supported with the following (at minimum):
  • Storage Center OS 6.3 for VASA 1.0
  • Storage Center OS 7.0 for VASA 2.0

Supported arrays

SC Series arrays are supported.

File and provider details

The DSM download and its associated documents, such as administrator’s guides and release notes, are available at Dell.com/Support.

For SCv2000 arrays, the DSM file and its associated documents are available on Dell.com/Support.

For SC7020 arrays, the DSM file and its associated documents are available on the Dell Digital Locker (DDL).


Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

21 Feb. 2021



