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117-352 Restart Printer Error on the LCD Panel [ Dell™ 3115cn Printer ]

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  1. Cycle power on the Printer.
    1. Turn the printer off.
    2. Wait 10 seconds.
    3. Turn the printer on.
    4. Determine if the issue still occurs.
  2. Unlock the scanner on the printer.

  3. Clear the backup data.
    1. Power off the printer.
    2. Close all printer covers and doors.
    3. Hold down the Up and  Down buttons on the printer and power the printer on.
    4. Release the buttons when the message Please wait... appears.
    5. Press the Select button to select FAX/Scanner Diag.
    6. Press the Up or Down button until Backup Data appears, and then press the Select button.
    7. Press the Up or Down button until All Clear appears, and then press the Select button.
    8. Press the Up or Down button to select the name of the country where the printer is located, and then press the Select button.
    9. Power the printer off then on.
  4. If the error persists, Contact Technical Support.

Betroffene Produkte

Dell 3115cn Color Laser Printer
Artikelnummer: 000135982
Artikeltyp: Solution
Zuletzt geändert: 21 Feb. 2021
Version:  3
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