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NetWorker:如何恢复 NMC 数据库?

Zusammenfassung: 您可以使用 NetWorker recoverpsm 命令将 NMC 数据库恢复到 nmcdb 的备份。

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如果您已确定 NMC 数据库损坏。您可以使用 NetWorker recoverpsm 命令将 NMC 数据库恢复到 nmcdb 的备份。默认情况下,默认服务器保护策略中应存在 NMC 服务器备份工作流。确保计划并正确配置此操作,以完成 NMC 数据库的备份。有关 NMC 服务器保护的更多信息,请参阅 NetWorker Administration GuideNetWorker Command Reference Guide ,了解 savepsm recoverpsm 选项。这些文档可在 https://www.dell.com/support/home/product-support/product/networker/docs 以下

位置找到:1) 首先使用 mminfo 命令确保存在 NMC 数据库的备份:
语法:mminfo -avot -q client=nmc_server_name 
[root@linux1 ~]# mminfo -avot -q client=linux1.amer.lan -t "today" | grep nmcdb_stage
ClientBackupPool.001 Data Domain linux1.amer.lan 08/15/2022 02:00:17 PM 53 MB 687518690 cb full /nsr/nmc/nmcdb_stage

提醒:如果您没有上述存储集,则无法恢复 NMC,唯一的选项是 将其作为全新实例重新安装

2) 在 NMC 服务器上,打开管理/Root 命令提示符,停止 NMC GSTD 服务(如果正在运行):

Windows: net stop gstd
Linux: systemctl stop gst

提醒: 使用 tasklist/任务管理器或 ps 命令确保 gstd 服务已停止

3) 使用 cd 命令导航到 NMC 的安装 bin 目录。检查以确保 recoverpsm 命令在此目录中列出。此命令将用于恢复 NMC 数据库。

Windows:[NMC 安装目录\Management\GST\bin

4) 在 NMC 服务器上运行 recoverpsm 命令:

recoverpsm [-s server] [-c client-name] [-d destination] [-p pass-phrase] [-t time] [-hfO] Staging_Directory


-c 客户端名称

指定源 NMC 服务器的名称。有关更多详细信息,请参阅恢复。

 D 目标

指定 recoverpsm 将 NMC 数据库恢复到的目录。使用此选项时,您必须手动将数据库文件从目标目录复制到为 NMC 服务器定义的数据库目录。确保在拷贝完成后,您对数据库文件和凭据文件保留相同的所有权和权限。




显示有关 recoverpsm 命令的使用信息。



 密码 短语

当您尝试恢复 AES 加密的数据库文件时,使用此选项可以指定一个附加密码。有关详细信息,请参阅 recover(1m)。

 的 服务器

指定执行 NMC 数据库备份的 NetWorker 服务器的名称。

 t 时间

使用此选项可恢复截至以 nsrgetdate 格式指定的日期的数据库。




[root@linux1 bin]# ./recoverpsm -f -s linux1.amer.lan -c linux1.amer.lan -p Pa$$w0rd01 /nsr/nmc/nmcdb_stage
108157:recover: Restoring database files...
179040:recover: Step (1 of 11) for PID-6264: Recovery has been started on the client 'linux1.amer.lan'.
179733:recover: Step (2 of 11) for PID-6264: Checking if the set of exclusion files is given for the recovery of the selected files for the client 'linux1.amer.lan'.
179738:recover: Step (3 of 11) for PID-6264: Setting the server 'linux1.amer.lan' for the media database calls for the recovery of the selected files for the client 'linux1.amer.lan'.
179745:recover: Identified a file level recovery with PID 6264 to relocate to the new path '/nsr/nmc/nmcdb' for the client 'linux1.amer.lan'. Updating the total number of steps from 11 to 8.
179748:recover: Step (4 of 8) for PID-6264: Initializing a recovery job with the nsrjobd for the recovery of the selected file(s) for the client 'linux1.amer.lan'.
179749:recover: Step (5 of 8) for PID-6264: Validating and setting the relocation path '/nsr/nmc/nmcdb' for the recovery of selected file(s) for the client 'linux1.amer.lan'.
179754:recover: Step (6 of 8) for PID-6264: Initializing the file level recovery of the client 'linux1.amer.lan'.
179730:recover: Step (7 of 8) for PID-6264: Building the recovery tree of the client 'linux1.amer.lan'.
Recovering 1500 files within /nsr/nmc/nmcdb_stage/ into /nsr/nmc/nmcdb
Requesting 1500 file(s), this may take a while...
179728:recover: Initializing the recovery session with the NetWorker server 'linux1.amer.lan' to recover the selected files.
Recover start time: Mon 15 Aug 2022 02:20:37 PM PDT
179718:recover: Initializing to recover multiple streams of data from the NetWorker server 'linux1.amer.lan'.
Requesting 1 recover session(s) from server.
179714:recover: Initializing the child threads to recover the given recovery stream from the NetWorker server 'linux1.amer.lan'.
179713:recover: Initializing to set up a connection to start reading the data from the recover stream.
Enabling compressed restore for save set ID '687518690' with 'Data Domain' device path '/linux1/ClientBackupDevice01'.
Successfully established the direct file retrieval session for save set ID '687518690' with 'Data Domain' volume 'ClientBackupPool.001'.
179716:recover: Coordinating all the child recovery processes.
179717:recover: Releasing all the resources held by the recovery process.
179721:recover: All recovery streams from the NetWorker server 'linux1.amer.lan' are read successfully.
Received 1500 file(s) from NSR server `linux1.amer.lan'
Recover completion time: Mon 15 Aug 2022 02:20:39 PM PDT
179068:recover: Step (8 of 8) for PID-6264: The recovery completed successfully on the client 'linux1.amer.lan'.
108161:recover: Setting permissions for the restored database files


5) 在 NMC 服务器上,打开管理/Root 命令提示符以停止 NMC GSTD 服务:
Windows: net start gstd
Linux: systemctl start GST

提醒:使用 tasklist/任务管理器或 ps 命令确保 gstd 服务已启动。

6) 确保您可以连接到 NMC。

如果使用 recoverpsm 进行 NMC 恢复失败,请联系 Dell EMC 支持以获得进一步的帮助。请注意,如果无法恢复,则需要执行 NMC 的全新安装。

Weitere Informationen

NMC 服务器的 ..\Management\GSTD\logs\gstd.raw /opt/lgtonmc/logs/gstd.raw 可用于确认是否存在 NMCDB 损坏:


31581 1501512324 2 0 0 5632 6204 0 NMC-server gstd NSR warning 23 *** gstd starting at %s 1 36 24 Mon Jul 31 10:45:24 2017
NMC-server gstd NSR notice 5 %s %s 2 0 24 MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS.3852 0 50 Internal error: could not create database process.
NMC-server gstd NSR notice 5 %s %s 2 0 24 MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS.643852 0 50 Internal error: could not create database process.
NMC-server gstd NSR notice 5 %s %s 2 0 24 MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS.643852 0 50 Internal error: could not release database handle.
NMC-server gstd NSR notice 5 %s %s 2 0 24 MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS.675017 0 48 Internal error: could not stop database process.
NMC-server gstd NSR notice 5 %s %s 2 0 24 MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS.675017 0 54 FATAL ERROR: could not stop 'EMC GST Database Service'
NMC-server gstd NSR notice 5 %s %s 2 0 24 MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS.675017 0 48 Internal error: could not stop database process.
NMC-server gstd NSR notice 5 %s %s 2 0 24 MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS.675017 0 48 Internal error: could not stop database process.
NMC-server gstd NSR notice 5 %s %s 2 0 24 MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS.675017 0 54 The most recently called subfunction returned error 2.
NMC-server gstd NSR warning 2 %s 1 0 27 library error 22 os error 0
NMC-server gstd NSR warning 23 *** gstd stopping at %s 1 36 24 MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS


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Artikelnummer: 000019968
Artikeltyp: How To
Zuletzt geändert: 03 Sept. 2024
Version:  4
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