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Latitude 5491: Keyboard Function Guide

Zusammenfassung: The following guide lists the keyboard shortcuts available and the functions they perform on the Dell Latitude 5491 Laptop.

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Keyboard Shortcut Key Functions


The below table is a list of combination short-cut key functions available on the Latitude 5491 Laptop.




Function key combo Result
Fn + F1 Speaker Mute
Fn + F2 Volume Down
Fn + F3 Volume Up
Fn + F4 Mic. Mute
Fn + F5 Num. Lock
Fn + F6 Scroll Lock
Fn + F8 Display Toggle (Win + P)
Fn + F9 Search
Fn + F11 Print Screen
Fn + F12 Insert
Fn + Esc Toggle Fn-key Lock
Fn + End Sleep
Fn + Home Toggle Wireless On/Off
Fn + Up Cursor LCD Brightness Increase
Fn + Down Cursor LCD Brightness Decrease


Betroffene Produkte

Latitude 5491