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Dell Latitude 12 5289 2-in-1 Keyboard Guide

Zusammenfassung: This page provides a guide to the keyboard shortcut functions on the Dell Latitude 12 5289 2-in-1.

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Keyboard Shortcut Key Functions

The table below is a list of combination short-cut key functions available on the Latitude 12 5289 2-in-1.



Note: By Toggling Fn + Esc, "Function Lock" to On, you will not need to use the Fn key to activate the various Function key actions.


Esc Fn + Esc Activates Function Key Lock
F1 Fn + F1 Mute Audio
F2 Fn + F2 Decrease Volume
F3 Fn + F3 Increase Volume
F4 Fn + F4 Mute Microphone
F5 Fn + F5 Toggles Number Lock on/off, requires activation in BIOS (For Embedded Keys).
F6 Fn + F6 Toggles Scroll Lock
F8 Fn + F8 Toggles between external displays and/or the internal LCD
F9 Fn + F9 Search (Windows 8 onwards)
F10 Fn + F10 Alter Keyboard Illumination Level (Optional)
F11 Fn + F11 Activates PrtScr
F12 Fn + F12 Activates Insert
PrtScr Fn + Home Toggle Wireless (Wi-Fi) On/Off
Insert Fn + End Activates Sleep function
Up Arrow Fn + Increase LCD Brightness
Down Arrow Fn + Decrease LCD Brightness


Note: Keyboard Types by Region.

(This should not affect the Function Table above)

  • 82 (United States and Canada)
  • 83 (Europe)
  • 84 (Brazil)
  • 86 (Japan)


Note: If you experience problems with your keyboard, follow the troubleshooting link below:

Betroffene Produkte

Latitude 5289 2-in-1