Alienware Command Center Add-ons Installation Fails
Oversigt:When you download and install the Alienware Command Center from the Microsoft Store, all add-ons (Alien FX, OC Controls, etc.) are not installed correctly.
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When you download and install the Alienware Command Center from the Microsoft Store, all add-ons (Alien FX, OC Controls, etc.) are not installed correctly.
After you open Alienware Command Center, you will get a prompt about the missing add-ons. This prompt asks you for your Microsoft Store credentials, and after entering your information, the download will fail.
Microsoft made changes in the new Windows 10 builds that affects how the add-ons are downloaded, and this causes that add-ons installation to fail.
Supported Systems: Alienware and G-Series systems with Alienware Command Center Version 5.2 or higher