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How to Launch the Windows 11 Task Manager

Shrnutí: Learn step-by-step instructions about how to launch Task Manager in Windows 11 using keyboard shortcuts or the Windows 11 user interface.

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Windows Task Manager is used to view running processes, end tasks, review computer performance, and more. With the release of Windows 11, some shortcuts to access Task Manager may have changed.

Affected Operating System:

  • Windows 11

Task Manager is launched in Windows 11 by using CTRL + ALT + Delete, Right-Click the Start Button, CTRL + Shift + ESC, Windows Key + X, or the Run Command. Click the appropriate method for more information.

  1. Press and hold the CTRL, ALT, and Delete keys simultaneously on your keyboard. Once the menu opens, let go of all three keys.
    CTRL, ALT, and Delete key menu
  2. Click Task Manager.
    Task Manager
  3. Task Manager launches.
  1. From the Taskbar, right-click the Start button.
    Start button
  2. From the right-click menu, click Task Manager.
    Task Manager
  3. Task Manager launches.
  1. Press and hold the CTRL, Shift, and ESC keys simultaneously on your keyboard. Then let go of all three keys.
  2. Task Manager launches.
  1. Press and hold the Windows key and the X key simultaneously on your keyboard. Once the Power User menu opens, let go of both keys.
    Power User menu
  2. Click Task Manager.
    Task Manager
  3. Task Manager launches.
  1. Click the Start button.
    Start button
    Note: Alternatively, using your keyboard, press and hold the Windows key and the R key simultaneously to launch the Run command. Once the Run command opens, let go of the keys.
  2. When the Start menu appears, type Run.
    Start menu search
  3. Click Run under Best match.
  4. Populate taskmgr in the open dialog and then click OK.
    Run UI
  5. Task Manager launches.

Další informace

Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000192107
Typ článku: How To
Poslední úprava: 11 Feb 2025
Verze:  5
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