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Resolving the "preparing to install" Alienware Command Center Install error

Shrnutí: Information on how to resolve the "preparing to install" Alienware Command Center Install error

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This article covers "Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid: C:\Windows\Installer\A5015420-3D3D-427D-+9783-73F8369BD639/1033.MST".

Dell G Series or Alienware systems may report that when attempting to install Alienware Command Center (AWCC) software through the Dell website, they receive the message that their hardware is not compatible with this application or receive an error in installation: "Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid: C:\Windows\Installer\A5015420-3D3D-427D-+9783-73F8369BD639/1033.MST".


Cause information is not available.


To resolve this inconvenience, following the steps below in order:

  1. Perform a clean boot. Disable all non-Microsoft services and all Startup Tasks and then restart.
  2. Make sure your BIOS version is updated to the latest version available on Dell Support Site.
  3. Uninstall Alienware Command Center Suite and Alienware Command Center OC Controls from the Control Panel refer to How to Remove and Reinstall the Alienware Command Center.
  4. Create a new user with Admin rights
  5. Disable any security applications before installing AWCC (e.g.: McAfee, Norton Utilities, Kaspersky, etc.).
  6. Disable any applications that may conflict with AWCC.
    Example: iCUE Software | Drivers | Software | CORSAIR QNA44682_en_US__2iC_External_Link_BD_v1
  7. Remove any external or secondary drives from the system before attempting to reinstall AWCC.
  8. Install the Intel HID Event Filter driver in the Mouse, Keyboard & Input Devices refer to Installing and Configuring the Alienware Command Center Software for your Alienware Gaming Keyboards and Mice.
  9. Reboot the system.
  10. Install Alienware Command Center through the Microsoft Store QNA44682_en_US__2iC_External_Link_BD_v1 after being properly registered with a valid MSA (Microsoft Account).
  11. Install Alienware Command Center OC through the Dell Support.
  12. When it installs successfully, it will prompt you for several updates and ask you to enter the user password several times. Note that this is the expected behavior.
  13. After performing all these steps, the issue will be resolved.
  14. If not resolved, proceed with reinstalling the Operating System How to Download and Use the Dell OS Recovery Image in Microsoft Windows and try again.

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Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000179280
Typ článku: Solution
Poslední úprava: 04 Oct 2024
Verze:  7
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