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Ghost Imaging on Skylake Thunderbolt Systems

Shrnutí: Learn the steps for imaging with Ghost Skylake/Thunderbolt computers.

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Not applicable


Note: This process requires a good working knowledge of the Ghost imaging process. If you require information about how to use Ghost products, contact Symantec support This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies.for additional information. This information is provided for your convenience and does not imply that Dell provides support for this imaging process.

Prepare the Windows 10 Ghost PE

  1. Download Windows 10 Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) 1511This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies. and choose the Install Path for installation:
    select features to install
  2. Select Deployment Tools and Windows PE from the list of features to install:
    Ghost imaging prep
  3. Download and install the 7-Zip utility from the following location: 7-Zip UtilityThis hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies..
  4. Download the Windows 10 PE CAB file from the following location at the Dell Techcenter: Windows 10 PE CAB.
  5. Extract the Windows 10 PE CAB file to a temp directory such as C:\DC\temp\Win10PECAB.
  6. Download the ASBmedia USB 3.0 Drivers.
  7. Extract to c:\dc\temp\pws5510\usba
  8. Download the Thunderbolt Controller Drivers.
  9. Extract to c:\dc\temp\pws5510\TBT
  10. Download the Realtek USB Thunderbolt Ethernet Driver.
  11. Extract to c:\dc\temp\pws5510\RTLUSB.
  12. Make a new directory c:\dc\temp
  13. Make a new directory c:\dc\temp\pe10
  14. Make a new directory c:\dc\temp\mount
  15. Open the Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment as Administrator.

    run as admin
    Note: Use a clean version of Windows 10 PE x86 located here:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\x86\en-us
  16. Copy the winpe.wim to a temp directory such as c:\dc\temp
  17. Use dism to mount the winpe.wim in a temp directory:
    1. dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\dc\temp\pe10\winpe.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\dc\temp\mount
    2. dism /image:c:\dc\temp\mount /add-driver:c:\dc\temp\win10pecab\x86 /recurse /forceunsigned
    3. dism /image:c:\dc\temp\mount /add-driver:c:\dc\temp\pws5510\usba\Driver_Win10 /recurse /forceunsigned
    4. dism /image: c:\dc\temp\mount /add-driver:c:\dc\temp\pws5510\TBT /recurse /forceunsigned
    5. dism /image: c:\dc\temp\mount /add-driver:c:\dc\temp\pws5510\RTLUSB\Windows\WIN10\32 /recurse /forceunsigned
    6. Copy Ghost32.exe 11.5.1 (build 2269 or later) to c:\dc\temp\mount\GHOST
    7. dism /unmount-image /mountdir:c:\dc\temp\mount /commit
  18. Import the winpe.wim file at c:\dc\temp\pe10 to WDS or your USB key as sources\boot.wim.

Prepare the operating system for Ghosting

On the target machine:

  1. Install the Windows operating system and all updates and drivers.
  2. Shrink the partition of the Windows drive but leave 2048 MB for the Sysprep OOBE process when you restore the image:
    Disk 1
    • Right-click the C: Partition
    • Choose Shrink Volume.
      enter the amount to shrink in MB
      • Subtract 2048 from the amount of space to shrink:
        Subtract 2048
  3. Run Sysprep with Generalize, OOBE, and Quit.

    System preparation tool
    Note: Some drivers may not Sysprep properly and should be uninstalled prior to sysprepping.
    If you receive errors in the Sysprep process, a setuperr.log is in Windows\System32\Sysprep\Panther
  4. Restart the computer and start the PXE/USB process.
    Ghost32 on restart
Note: If you do not see Ghost32 start up when you issue the X:\ghost\Ghost32.exe command in PE: Ghost32.exe stops responding in a WinPE Pre-OS on machines with Intel AHCI Mass Storage Devices https://techdocs.broadcom.com/ This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies..
Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000134910
Typ článku: Solution
Poslední úprava: 29 Oct 2024
Verze:  7
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