Accessories Supported by the Dell Chromebook Systems
Shrnutí:Information about which accessories are supported on Dell Chromebooks system.
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Barcode scanners that are recognized as keyboard devices
Flash drives
Note: Only USB 2.0 drives should be used for reimaging the Chromebook, and the 4 GB size is recommended.
These devices MAY be supported:
Some digital cameras
Ethernet adapters (Must be e1000 compliant. Generic devices do not appear to operate and more mainstream brands.)
Supported Bluetooth Devices:
Hard drives
Headsets, headphones, and microphones that comply with A2DP standard
Note: There is not a clearly defined list of compliant devices, some may function, others may not.
High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) support:
Direct connection to monitors, TVs, and projectors (Generic devices do not appear to operate and more mainstream brands.)
HDMI to other video connector adapters (Generic devices do not appear to operate like more mainstream brands. HDMI to VGA conversion generally has poor results, and active adapters tend to work better than passive adapters.)
Port replicators and docking stations. The USB ports may work, but no video will be displayed to external monitors through the dock. Chrome OS only supports DisplayLink video over USB technology in version 51 and later revisions.)
Any device that requires special drivers or software.