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How to Restore the Dell Factory Image with Dell Backup and Recovery

Shrnutí: This article now refers customers to using the Dell OS Recovery Tool to create a factory image for their legacy Dell computer.

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Dell Backup and Recovery is software designed for legacy computers running Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, and is no longer supported by Dell.

To restore your computer's operating system to a factory state, use the Dell OS Recovery Tool to create an image for your device.

Další informace

    Out of Warranty support Out of warranty? No problem. Browse to the Dell.com/support website and enter your Dell Service Tag and view our offers.

    NOTE: Offers are only available for US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, China, and Japan personal computer customers. Server and Storage not applicable.

    Dotčené produkty

    Latitude, Vostro, Dell Backup and Recovery Manager Version 1.0, Dell Backup and Recovery Manager Version 1.1, Dell Backup and Recovery Manager Version 1.2, Dell Backup and Recovery Manager Version 1.3
    Vlastnosti článku
    Číslo článku: 000124401
    Typ článku: How To
    Poslední úprava: 18 Feb 2025
    Verze:  10
    Najděte odpovědi na své otázky od ostatních uživatelů společnosti Dell
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