How to Wake a Computer or Monitor From Sleep, Standby, Suspend or Hibernate
Shrnutí:How to wake up your computer from sleep mode, troubleshoot monitor standby issues, and resolve why your monitor keeps going to sleep in Windows 10 and 11.
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What is the difference between Sleep and Hibernate in Windows?
Sleep mode is a power saving state that stops all actions on the computer. Any open documents and applications are moved to the system memory (RAM) and the computer goes to a low-power state. This is similar to pausing a movie DVD. The computer is still powered on, but uses less power. Devices such as monitors also use sleep or standby mode to reduce power consumption.
Waking the computer from a sleep mode allows you to quickly resume normal, full-power operation within a few seconds.
To wake up a computer or the monitor from sleep, standby, or hibernate, move the mouse, or press any key on the keyboard. If this does not work, press the power button to wake up the computer.
NOTE: Monitors wake up from sleep mode when they detect a video signal from the computer. If the monitor does not wake up from sleep mode, ensure that the computer is not in sleep or hibernate mode.
How to adjust power and sleep settings in Windows?
Windows 11
Go to Start > Settings > System > Power & battery > Screen and sleep.
Screen: Select how long you want your device to wait before turning the screen off when you're not using your device.
Sleep: Select how long you want your device to wait before going to sleep when you're not using it.
Power mode: Select the power mode to optimize your computer for performance or power efficiency.
Windows 10
Click Start, and then select Settings.
Click System.
Click Power & sleep.
Under Screen, select how long you want the computer to wait before turning the screen off when you are not using the computer.
Under Sleep, select how long you want the computer to wait before going to sleep when you are not using the computer.
For more power saving options, select Additional power settings to change how your computer uses power.
How to enter sleep mode on a computer?
Select Start, then select Settings > System > Power & sleep > Additional power settings.
Perform one of the following:
If you are using a desktop or a tablet, select Choose what the power buttons do. Next to When I press the power button, select Sleep, and then select Save changes.
If you are using a laptop, select Choose what closing the lid does. Next to When I close the lid, select Sleep, and then select Save changes.
Press the power button on your desktop, tablet, or laptop, or close your laptop's lid to make your personal computer sleep.
How to hibernate your computer?
Select Start, then select Settings > System > Power & sleep > Additional power settings.
Select Choose what the power button does, and then select Change settings that are currently unavailable. Under Shutdown settings, select the Hibernate checkbox (if it is available), and then select Save changes.
You can hibernate your personal computer by selecting Start, and then select Power > Hibernate.
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Číslo článku: 000130380
Typ článku: How To
Poslední úprava: 21 lis 2024
Verze: 8
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Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000130380
Typ článku: How To
Poslední úprava: 21 lis 2024
Verze: 8
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