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Windows Server support and installation instructions for the AMD EPYC 7xx2 series of processors.

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This article introduces the Windows Server operating system install instructions and support statements for AMD EPYC 7xx2 processors. This article also describes several known limitations to the support for these processors. Microsoft has documented this information in article KB4514607.




Windows Server support

Windows Server 2019 supports AMD EPYC 7xx2-series CPUs. When you install Windows Server 2019 as described in the Installing Windows Server solution section, it supports X2APIC mode.


Installing Windows Server on a computer that uses AMD EPYC 7xx2 (AMD Rome) processors

To install Windows Server on a computer that uses AMD EPYC 7xx2 processors, follow these steps:

  1. Boot to System BIOS (F2).
  2. Go to the Processor Settings section.
  3. In the computer's BIOS, disable the Logical Processor settings. See the table below.
  4. In the computer's BIOS, disable the x2APIC setting. See the table below.

    Figure 1: Disabling X2APIC setting

  5. Use the WS2019 operating system media to install Windows Server.
  6. Install the latest Servicing Stack Update.
  7. Install the August 2019 Cumulative Update (or latest) and restart the server.
  8. Now go to BIOS > Processor Settings and enable Logical Processor and x2APIC.


SLN318449_en_US__2icon Note: X2APIC support is available from Microsoft for Windows Server 2019 starting with August 2019 Cumulative Update and onwards.


SLN318449_en_US__2icon Note: For AMD EPYC 7xx2 (AMD ROME) Servers with S150 controller x2APIC must be kept disabled, see this Microsoft article.


SLN318449_en_US__2icon Note: As of 11 May 2020 the current shipping version of W2019 is 10.0.14393.1884



Dotčené produkty

Microsoft Windows Server 2019
Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000130134
Typ článku: Solution
Poslední úprava: 23 zář 2021
Verze:  5
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