This reference guide documents the Common Information Model (CIM) classes added due to the Management Object File (MOF):
// =================================================================== // $Version:1.0 $ // =================================================================== #PRAGMA AUTORECOVER #pragma classflags("forceupdate") #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\default") [Locale(1033) : ToInstance] Instance of __Namespace { Name = "Dell"; }; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\Dell") Instance of __Namespace { Name = "PlatformUpdateEvents"; }; #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root\\Dell\\PlatformUpdateEvents") class PenetrationRate { [Description ( "This property defines information about the penetration rate. Penetration rate defines percentage of successful updates pushed to the system" )] string UpToDateRate; }; class UpdateEvents { [Description ( "This property defines information about the Update Events." ), ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }, Values { "BIOS", "Driver", "Firmware", "Applications", "Utilities" } ] uint16 ComponentType ; [Description ( "This property defines information about the Update Events." ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" }, Values { "Update Completed", "Update Failed", "BIOS Updated" } ] uint16 EventType ; [Description ( "This property defines information about the execution returnCode." ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12" }, Values { "SUCCESS", "ERROR", "REBOOT_REQUIRED","DEP_SOFT_ERROR","DEP_HARD_ERROR","PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED","REBOOTING_SYSTEM","PASSWORD_REQUIRED","NO_DOWNGRADE","REBOOT_UPDATE_PENDING","INVALID_CMDLINE_SPEC","UNKNOWN_OPTION","AUTHORIZATION_LEVEL" } ] uint16 ExecutionReturnCode ; [Description ( "This property indicates payload release ID." )] string SWBReleaseID ; }; class NonComplianceList { [Description ( "This property defines information about the Non-Compliance SWB List. It is in JSON format. Each JSON object carries two properties which are Component Type and SWB ID" )] string NCUpdateList; };
CIM provides a conceptual model for describing manageable objects in a systems management environment. CIM is a modeling tool rather than a programming language. CIM provides the structure for organizing objects into a model of a managed environment. For modeling a managed environment, CIM makes available abstract and concrete classes of objects. These classes model the basic characteristics of systems, networks, applications, and groupings of management-related data.
Dell-defined Classes are defined and populated by Dell rather than by the Common Information Model (CIM).
The CIM Classes UpdateEvents, PenetrationRate, and Non-Compliance are recorded under ROOT\DELL\PlatformUpdateEvents where the classes get registered during service start, and data is populated at the same cadence as the Telemetry Events. So, Bradbury Service updates the same data using CIM classes which are sent to Platinum.
The following tables are the Class structure, and their properties are present under PlatformUpdateEvents:
Class Name: UpdateEventsProperty | Description | ValueMap | Values |
EventType | Defines the Type of Event | {"0", "1", "2"} | {"Update Completed", "Update Failed," "BIOS Updated"} |
ComponentType | This defines the ComponentType for which the Event was raised | {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"} | {"BIOS", "Driver," "Firmware," "Applications," "Utilities"} |
SWB Release ID | Defines the ReleaseID of the SWB applied | ||
Execution Return Code | Defines the ReturnCode received after running the DUP | {"0","1", "2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12"} | {"SUCCESS", "ERROR", "REBOOT_REQUIRED", "DEP_SOFT_ERROR", "DEP_HARD_ERROR", "PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED", "REBOOTING_SYSTEM", "PASSWORD_REQUIRED", "NO_DOWNGRADE", "REBOOT_UPDATE_PENDING", "INVALID_CMDLINE_SPEC", "UNKNOWN_OPTION", "AUTHORIZATION_LEVEL"} |
Property | Description | ValueMap | Values |
UpToDateRate | The penetration rate in percentage | {:.2%} |
Property | Description | Example |
NCUpdateList | These are the SWBs of the latest version of a particular Component that has not-attempted or failed to install on the computer. It contains two properties, ComponentType and SWB Release ID (see Table 1 for more details about the properties) | [{"ComponentType":2,"SWB":"43CRJ"}] In the above example, the SWB Release ID is "43CRJ" which is of ComponentType as "Driver" which is numerically represented as 2. |
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