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PowerEdge: How to Create a Bootable USB Device with Rufus for Updates

Summary: Learn how to create a bootable USB with Rufus to update Dell PowerEdge servers. Follow the step-by-step instructions to prepare and create a bootable USB media.

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This article provides information about making a USB device bootable and integrating an update-image (ISO-file). For servers without an optical drive (DVD) or a configured integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) this is an alternative way of updating all server firmware in one single step.

To create a bootable USB device, you can use the freeware tool RufusThis hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies. (Figure 1).

Note: Rufus is not a Dell certified software. Installation and use it at your own risk. We share our best practices with Rufus but do not support issues regarding this program.
  1. Download the toolThis hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies. to a Windows system
  2. Create a Smart Bootable ISO using the Dell Repository Manager (DRM).
  3. Start the tool
  4. Insert a USB device (Rufus auto-selects the USB device)
  5. Choose the created or downloaded ISO-file (Rufus selects the appropriate settings)
    • Partition Screen = MBR
    • File System = FAT32
    • Cluster Size = 1024
  6. Click Start to create the media
  7. Restart the server and boot from the created device
If the bootable ISO fails to run after being applied to a bootable USB, change the server boot mode to BIOS or UEFI and attempt the procedure again. If the bootable ISO continues to fail, it is recommended to download the ISO file again or try applying the image to a different USB drive.


Rufus Screenshot

Rufus step one in this image provides an overview            Rufus step two adds the details in the image to be ready to create the USB media from an ISO 
Figure 1: Rufus examples

The first figure shows when the freeware is launched. The second figure shows the Bootable ISO file selected. Click "Start" to launch the process.


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Article Properties
Article Number: 000141551
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 26 فبراير 2025
Version:  9
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