This serial number uniquely identifies the physical hardware for a specific node and is required when spare parts must be changed for that node.
The methods for obtaining the serial numbers for all current generations of Avamar Data Store are given below.
For Avamar Datastore Generation 4 and 4S nodes
Avamar Datastore Generation 4 hardware consists of two different types of Dell nodes (R510 and R710). New hardware information retrieval is used, and has a different command that works on all Avamar Datastore Gen4 and Gen4S nodes.
To retrieve the serial number on a node, log in as root and issue the following command:/usr/bin/ipmitool fru print 0 | grep "Product Asset Tag" | sed "s/^.*: *\(.*\)_100.*$/\1/"
This command must be run as root user otherwise the error below is seen:
"Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory"
The following command, when run on the utility node, retrieves serial numbers from all the nodes in the grid.
Run the command as admin user and with the admin keys loaded:mapall --noerror --user=root --nodes=all+ --quiet 'hostname -i; ipmitool fru print 0|grep "Product Ass"| sed "s/^.*: *\(.*\)_100.*$/\1/"'
(This command contains single, double, and backtick quotes. For best results, copy the command into the PuTTY session instead of trying to retype it.)
Sample output:
10.2xx.1xx.2xx NNG05xxxxx0290 10.2xx.1xx.2xx NNG05xxxxx0287 10.2xx.1xx.2xx NNG05xxxxx0288
In this example, the node serial numbers start with "NNG". Gen 4s nodes generally start with FC6A.
For Avamar Datastore Generation 4T nodes
From the node in question run:avsysreport chassis-info | grep "Serial"
Sample output:
Serial Number: APM00xxxxxx657
To see all nodes, log in to the utility node (run as admin with dpnid key loaded) and run command:mapall --noerror 'avsysreport chassis-info | grep "Serial"'
Sample Output:
Using /usr/local/avamar/var/probe.xml (0.0) ssh -q -x -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no 'avsysreport chassis-info | grep Serial' Serial Number : APM00xxxxxx657 (0.1) ssh -q -x -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no 'avsysreport chassis-info | grep Serial' Serial Number : APM00xxxxxx658 (0.2) ssh -q -x -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no 'avsysreport chassis-info | grep Serial' Serial Number : APM00xxxxxx660