How to determine the Serial Number of an Atmos Resource Management Group (RMG)
Each Atmos RMG will have a different serial number. Follow the below procedure to get the serial number for a specific RMG.
Log in as Root to the Atmos system.
For Pre-2.1 code versions, issue the following command:
mauirexec 'grep -i tla /etc/maui/reporting.xml'
Running commands
Output from host : atmos-001
Output from host : atmos-002
Output from host : atmos-003
Output from host : atmos-004
mauirexec "grep -i tla /etc/maui/reporting/tla_reporting.conf"
AMERS1-is1-003:~ # mauirexec "grep -i tla /etc/maui/reporting/tla_reporting.conf"
Running commands
Output from host : atmos-is1-001
hardwareTLA = APM00123456789
Output from host : atmos-is1-002
hardwareTLA = APM00123456789
Output from host : atmos-is1-003
hardwareTLA = APM00123456789
Output from host : atmos-is1-004
hardwareTLA = APM00123456789