This KB apply to the following configuration.
RecoverPoint with local and remote copy and SRM protecting the remote copy
In this configuration if the local copy is disabled or in error the SRM PG is reported as not configured. Preventing any SRM operation as per example screenshot below
Cancun log in RecoverPoint logs
2023-08-29 08:58:26,298 [http-bio-7115-exec-4] ( ERROR - Complete: Validating consistency group CG_1 (cgID: 1192886802) is SRM supported, group is unsupported since not all of its copies are enabled. 2023-08-29 08:58:26,298 [http-bio-7115-exec-4] ( WARN - discoverDevices, unsupported group: CG_1, Error: definition - ErrorDefinition: prdefined code - GROUP_COPY_DISABLED_ERROR warnings - [Warning: definition - WarningDefinition: prdefined code - MANUAL_SRM_MODE_ERROR, Warning: definition - WarningDefinition: prdefined code - MANUAL_SRM_MODE_ERROR]
From the guide
RecoverPoint Storage Replication Adapter for VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager
At page 4 state:
"the local copy of a consistency group that has local and remote copies does not interfere with SRA operation. "
This behavior is by spec, the statement in the guide is incorrect.
The PG to be reported in a functional state require each copy of the CG active.
RecoverPoint is behaving as expected no patch, or workaround is required. Once all the copies of the CG are active, the related PG goes back to a functional state.
This is incorrect information reported in the GUIDE which will be corrected in the next revision of the same.