Radar.log from VxRail Manager: 2023-06-22 00:20:52,403.403Z INFO [vsan_disk_utilization_check] Running cmd on: hst011.cwf.fr > esxcli vsan health cluster get --test=diskspace|grep % [remote_utils.py:114] shell.log from primary VxRail node: 2023-06-21T00:20:53.214Z SSH[6061650]: SSH login enabled
VxVerify vxv.log from the VxRail Manager: 2023-06-22 00:20:59-INFO [host_ssh_check] SSH status for node01.domain.tld is initially enabled
Radar.log from VxRail Manager: 2023-06-22 00:21:35,582.582Z INFO [vsan_disk_utilization_check] Host hst011.cwf.fr ran cmd. Response: b'59.53% (145196.93GB of 243916.11GB) green 170741.28 219524.50 \n',b'Could not create directory \'/home/tcserver/.ssh\'.\r\nload pubkey "/home/tcserver/.ssh/id_ shell.log from primary VxRail node: 2023-06-21T00:21:36.870Z SSH[6061853]: SSH login disabled
su to root vxrm0:/mystic/radar # cd /mystic/radar vxrm0:/mystic/radar # grep -i vsan_disk_utilization_check /mystic/radar/conf/profile/advisory-report.yml - vsan_disk_utilization_check vxrm0:/mystic/radar # cp /mystic/radar/conf/profile/advisory-report.yml /home/mystic/advisory-report.bckup vxrm0:/mystic/radar # sed -i 's/^\( *\)- vsan_disk_utilization_check/# - vsan_disk_utilization_check/' /mystic/radar/conf/profile/advisory-report.yml vxrm0:/mystic/radar # grep -i vsan_disk_utilization_check /mystic/radar/conf/profile/advisory-report.yml # - vsan_disk_utilization_check
Disable and validate disabled state for ESXi TSM-SSH on all nodes.
Wait for the overnight VxRail "Advisory Report" to run and validate if the SSH is left in an SSH disabled state.
You may need to reapply this resolution again since /mystic/radar/conf/profile/advisory-report.yml will be reverted during ADC update.
Resolution 2:
Refer to KB# https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/000019890 to upgrade the ADC to 1.5.331 (Radar version 1.0.830) or later version to fix this issue.