請勿在更新 BIOS 時將電腦關機或拔除電源,電腦可能因此受損。更新期間,電腦將重新啟動,並且會暫時顯示黑色畫面。
Dell PowerEdge T30 1.0.12 System BIOS
需要重新啟動 已自動安裝 此檔案會在最近更新時自動安裝。如果您遇到任何問題,可以手動下載並重新安裝。此頁面的內容可能經過電腦自動翻譯。若要提供意見回饋,請填寫頁面底部的表單。
This release contains new Intel Xeon Processor Scalable Family Processor Microcode to address CVE-2017-5715. CVE-2017-5753 and CVE-2017-5754 do not require a microcode update. This release contains BIOS firmware version 1.0.12 for Dell PowerEdge T30 running in the following Operating Systems: Windows and DOS.
尋找更多更新。使用 SupportAssist 為您的裝置尋找所有最新的驅動程式更新。
- none
- to address CVE-2017-5715 (http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2017-5715).
- updated the Intel Xeon Processor E3-1200 v5 Product Family Processor Microcode to version 0xC2.
- CVE-2017-5753 and CVE-2017-5754 are addressed by Operating System & Hypervisor updates.
- Please see more information at http://www.dell.com/support/article/SLN308588
閱讀更多- none
- to address CVE-2017-5715 (http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2017-5715).
- updated the Intel Xeon Processor E3-1200 v5 Product Family Processor Microcode to version 0xC2.
- CVE-2017-5753 and CVE-2017-5754 are addressed by Operating System & Hypervisor updates.
- Please see more information at http://www.dell.com/support/article/SLN308588
1.0.12, 1.0.12
09 2月 2018
緊急Dell Technologies 強烈建議儘快套用此重要更新。此更新包含的重大錯誤修正和變更,可改善 Dell 系統功能、可靠性及穩定性。其也可能包含安全性修正和其他增強功能。
檔案格式: Windows/DOS 的 CPG BIOS 執行檔
檔案名稱: PowerEdge_T30_1.0.12.exe
檔案大小: 8.47 MB
此檔案格式包含 BIOS 可執行檔。此通用 (Windows/MS DOS) 格式可用於在任何 Windows 或 MS DOS 環境中進行安裝。
當您開始下載,即表示您接受 Dell 軟體授權協定 (英文版) 的條款。
Dell highly recommends applying this update as soon as possible. The update contains changes to improve the reliability and availability of your Dell system.
PowerEdge BIOS
BIOS Update Executable for Windows/DOS
1. Click "Download File", to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your hard drive.
Run the BIOS update utility from Windows environment
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.
2. Windows System will auto restart and update BIOS while system startup screen.
3. After BIOS update finished, system will auto reboot to take effect.
Run the BIOS update utility from DOS environment, if Legacy Boot mode (Non-Windows users)
1. Copy the downloaded file to a bootable DOS USB key.
2. Power on the system, then Press F12 key and Select "USB Storage Device" and Boot to DOS prompt.
3. Run the file by typing copied file name where the executable is located.
4. DOS System will auto restart and update BIOS while system startup screen.
5. After BIOS update finished, system will auto reboot to take effect.
Perform the BIOS update from the BIOS Boot Menu, independent of operating system, if BIOS supported
1. Copy the downloaded file to a USB flash device. It does not need to be bootable.
2. Insert the USB flash device into any USB port.
3. Power on the system.
4. At the DELL logo screen, press F12 to access the one time boot menu.
5. Select "BIOS Flash Update" in the "Other Options" section.
6. Click on the "..." button to browse the USB flash device to locate the downloaded file.
7. Select the file and click "Ok"
8. Confirm the Existing System BIOS Information and the BIOS Update Information are as expected.
9. Click "Begin Flash Update"
10. Reviewing the Warning message and click "Yes" to proceed with the update.
11. The system should restart and show a Flash Progress bar on the Dell logo screen as the BIOS update is being performed.
12. The system will restart once again when the Flash update is complete.
Note 1: You will need to provide a bootable DOS USB key. This executable file does not create the DOS system files.
Note 2: Please make sure you suspend BitLocker encryption before updating BIOS on a BitLocker enabled system.
If you don't enable BitLocker on your system you can ignore it.
1. Click "Download File", to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your hard drive.
Run the BIOS update utility from Windows environment
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.
2. Windows System will auto restart and update BIOS while system startup screen.
3. After BIOS update finished, system will auto reboot to take effect.
Run the BIOS update utility from DOS environment, if Legacy Boot mode (Non-Windows users)
1. Copy the downloaded file to a bootable DOS USB key.
2. Power on the system, then Press F12 key and Select "USB Storage Device" and Boot to DOS prompt.
3. Run the file by typing copied file name where the executable is located.
4. DOS System will auto restart and update BIOS while system startup screen.
5. After BIOS update finished, system will auto reboot to take effect.
Perform the BIOS update from the BIOS Boot Menu, independent of operating system, if BIOS supported
1. Copy the downloaded file to a USB flash device. It does not need to be bootable.
2. Insert the USB flash device into any USB port.
3. Power on the system.
4. At the DELL logo screen, press F12 to access the one time boot menu.
5. Select "BIOS Flash Update" in the "Other Options" section.
6. Click on the "..." button to browse the USB flash device to locate the downloaded file.
7. Select the file and click "Ok"
8. Confirm the Existing System BIOS Information and the BIOS Update Information are as expected.
9. Click "Begin Flash Update"
10. Reviewing the Warning message and click "Yes" to proceed with the update.
11. The system should restart and show a Flash Progress bar on the Dell logo screen as the BIOS update is being performed.
12. The system will restart once again when the Flash update is complete.
Note 1: You will need to provide a bootable DOS USB key. This executable file does not create the DOS system files.
Note 2: Please make sure you suspend BitLocker encryption before updating BIOS on a BitLocker enabled system.
If you don't enable BitLocker on your system you can ignore it.