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Dell TPM 1.2 Update Utility

需要重新啟動 已自動安裝 此檔案會在最近更新時自動安裝。如果您遇到任何問題,可以手動下載並重新安裝。
This utility will update the system TPM 1.2 firmware to the new revision. If this utility is run on a system with a TPM 2.0 it can switch the TPM mode to TPM 1.2. Note: Switching the TPM mode may have OS implications.




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Initial Release.



12 1月 2016






Dell Technologies 建議您檢閱此更新,以判斷其是否適用於您的系統。此更新包含的變更僅會影響特定組態,或其提供的新功能不一定適用於您的環境。

檔案格式: Windows/DOS 的 CPG BIOS 執行檔
檔案名稱: DellTpm1.2_Fw5.81.0.0.exe
檔案大小: 561.4 KB
此檔案格式包含 BIOS 可執行檔。此通用 (Windows/MS DOS) 格式可用於在任何 Windows 或 MS DOS 環境中進行安裝。

當您開始下載,即表示您接受 Dell 軟體授權協定 (英文版) 的條款。


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Dell TPM Firmware Update
Installation instructions
Dell TPM Update Utility for Windows/DOS

1. Click "Download File", to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your hard drive.

Clear the TPM (See Notes 2, 3 and 4)
1. Before running the TPM update utility, clear the TPM Owner.

Disable TPM Auto Provisioning in Windows (See Note 4)
1. Boot to Windows
2. Launch the PowerShell Command window in Administrator mode
3. At the Powershell command prompt, execute the command:
> Disable-TpmAutoProvisioning
4. Confirm the following results:
- AutoProvisioning : Disabled
5. Reboot the system, to BIOS Setup by pressing F2.
6. Navigate to "Security > TPM 1.2/2.0 Security".
7. Click the "Clear" checkbox and select "Yes" at the prompt to clear the TPM settings. (You can skip it if the item is grayed out)
8. Click "Exit" to save changes.
9. Reboot system to Windows.
10. Confirm the TPM is not owned. The TPM should no longer be automatically provisioned by Windows.
11. When the TPM update is finished, launch the PowerShell command in Administrator mode to re-enable the auto provisioning.
> Enable-TpmAutoProvisioning
12. Confirm the following results:
- AutoProvisioning : Enabled

Run the TPM update utility from Windows environment
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.
2. Windows System will auto restart and update the TPM during the system startup.
3. When the TPM update is finished, the system will auto reboot to take effect.

Run the TPM update utility from DOS environment, if Legacy Boot mode (Non-Windows users)
1. Copy the downloaded file to a bootable DOS USB key.
2. Power on the system, then Press F12 key and Select "USB Storage Device" and Boot to DOS prompt.
3. Run the file by typing copied file name where the executable is located.
4. DOS system will auto restart and update the TPM during the system startup.
5. When the TPM update is finished, the system will auto reboot to take effect.

Run the BIOS update utility from DOS environment if UEFI Boot Mode (Non-Windows users)
1. Copy the downloaded file to a bootable DOS USB key.
2. Power on the system, then go to BIOS Setup by pressing F2 and go to "General > Boot Sequence > Boot List Option".
3. Change "UEFI" to "Legacy" of Boot List Option.
4. Click "Apply", "Exit" to save changes and reboot system.
5. Press F12, then Select "USB Storage Device" and Boot to DOS prompt.
6. Run the file by typing copied file name where the executable is located.
7. When the TPM update is finished, the system will auto reboot to take effect.
8. Go to BIOS Setup by pressing F2 and go to "General > Boot Sequence > Boot List Option".
9. Change "Legacy" to "UEFI" Boot Option.
10. Click "Apply", "Exit" to save changes and reboot system.

Note 1: You will need to provide a bootable DOS USB key. This executable file does not create the DOS system files.
Note 2: If BitLocker is enabled on your system, please make sure you suspend BitLocker encryption before updating TPM on a BitLocker enabled system.
Note 3: The TPM must be ON and Enabled in BIOS Setup, and the TPM must not be owned. If the TPM is owned, go to BIOS Setup and clear the TPM before proceeding. You may need to run TPM.msc to re-initial the TPM under Windows OS.
Note 4: When the TPM ownership is cleared, some operating system will automatically take ownership of the TPM on the next boot (TPM AutoProvisioning). This feature will need to be disabled in the OS to proceed with the update.
