Dell TrueMobile 300 Bluetooth Internal card, v.BTW, A01

Installed This file was automatically installed as part of a recent update. If you are experiencing any issues, you can manually download and reinstall.
Bluetooth Widcomm driver/application version to include HID
(Human Interface Devices) support.

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Fixes & Enhancements

BT Configuration
Interview Wizard selects Headset service when no audio device is available
CA: If no output audio devices present, Headset service and Audio gateway
app will not be installed.

Need to log off/log on before device type changes in BT Config take
CA: fixed a problem where change to the device type (laptop/desktop) were
not propagated right away.

Wordings on the Accessibility tab are not displayed completely.
CA: Resized the Accessibility tab of the control panel to accommodate for
larger fonts on non-Engish OSs.

Exit Screen Saver on authorization or pin code request
CA: Move mouse by SendInput when show bubble for pin-code or authorization

Need to update driver .rc and .inf files for drivers that changed in 1.4
CA: Updated driver version to

Removing BTW does not remove default WIDCOMM installation folder
CA: btm thread couldn''t exit due to DeviceIoControl didn''t return after
kernel is stopped

Overwrite install should not uninstall and reinstall the kernel.
CA: BTW installer will be able to upgrade BTW software instead of
uninstall and reinstall. It will only reboot after install on 2k and XP.

FTP default folder location incorrect after overwrite install
CA: Set user''s folder location during overwrite install.

When performing an overwrite install "Windows Installer" dialog pops up
CA: During upgrade, register dll/exe (s) before InstallFinalize is
called. Calling it after this step, makes the installer to believe that
it needs to upgrade once again.


Enable default SPP secure connection causes one of the multiple SPP
connection fail
CA: Two reasons of problem:
- Incorrect selection of SecurityID
- incorrect finding the scn on application side.

SPP QuickConnect pairing fails.
CA: New connection should take both autenticate and encryption values
from application

1 minute to close out "bluetooth pin code request" dialog
CA: In BtTray don''t wait the answer from stackserver. We will not get it
if the pin-code is wrong.

Shell Extension

Excel crashes when opening a document because of Send to Bluetooth
CA: Fixed bug causing Excel to crash when opening a document and data is
in the users clipboard.

Fax and DUN can''t be enabled from "My Bluetooth Places\My Device"
CA: If there is no physical modem assigned when the dun/fax service is
attempted to start, try to enumerate physical modems.If the modem is
installed after BTW install, we may find a modem.

Sent email from OLX to OLX over BT contains "=20"
CA: Compensate for incorrect quoted-printable encoding coming out of
Outlook Express when creating vMessage object to send over OPP. This
corrects problem where there are ''=20'' codes in the received email.

After Suspend and resume or Fn+F2 you see that the "Bluetooth Network - A
network cable is unplugged"
CA: Do not show media disconnected/reconnected on the system
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BTW, A01

Release date

07 Aug 2003

Download Type



Network, Ethernet & Wireless


Dell Technologies recommends reviewing this update to determine if it applies to your system. The update contains changes that impact only certain configurations or provides new features that may or may not apply to your environment.
Available formats View Important Information

File Format: ZipPack External
File Name: R58915.EXE
File Size: 17.01 MB
This is a large file. Depending on your connection speed, it may take some time to download.
Format Description:
This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files. Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run (double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.
To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value.
Not available
Not available
Not available

By downloading, you accept the terms of the Dell Software License Agreement.

Additional details

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Release adds support for HID (Human Interface Devices) such as Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboards.

Hard Drive Installation (via WinZip) with Setup.exe File for R58915.EXE


1.Click Download Now, to download the file.
2.When the File Download window appears, click Save (Windows XP
users will click Save) this program to disk and click OK. The Save In:
window appears.
3.From the Save In: field, click the down arrow then click to
select Desktop and click Save. The file will download to your desktop.
4.If the Download Complete window appears, click Close. The file
icon appears on your desktop.


1.Double-click the new icon on the desktop labeled R58915.EXE.
2.The Self-Extracting window appears and prompts you to extract or
unzip to C:\DELL\DRIVERS\r58915. Write down this path so the executable (I.e.
Setup.exe) file can be found later.
3.The Self-Extractor window appears.
4.Click OK.
5.After completing the file extraction, if the Self-Extractor
window is still open, close it.
6.Click the Start button and then click Run.
7.Type C:\DELL\DRIVERS\r58915 in the Open textbox and then click OK.
8.Follow the on-screen installation instructions.

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