Dell SAS Hard Drive Firmware Utility, SATA Hard Drive Firmware Utility, v.SAS_SATA, A11

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This is a general maintenance release for SAS and SATA drives. It is a re-release of the previous version with enhanced installation instructions. Please see Fixes and Enhancements for information regarding an Urgent Seagate SATA release

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Opravy a vylepšenia

This is a general maintenance release for SAS and SATA drives. It is a re-release of the previous version with enhanced installation instructions.

All former firmware releases for all supported SAS and SATA hard drives have been compiled onto one release. Review the text file for information about fixes supported on this release

The release information in this section is specific to new firmware that has never before been released to the web. New releases added to this utility.

Releases are listed in order of Criticality:

* Recommended Releases *

1.) Seagtate SAS 15k.5 3.5", version S52A

* Offline Download Firmware Version S52A *

Fixes and Enhancements
New firmware for the Seagate SAS 3.5", offline download version, is available for drive models
ST3300655SS, ST3146855SS and ST373455SS that will help improve stability and overall reliability of
these drives. During the next scheduled maintenance window, please update the drive firmware to the
latest level, version S517.

Improved handled during drive offline condition
Improved drive error recovery for ECC correctable errors
Resolved race condition during drive spin up
Resolved retry errors during format with certify
Fixed condition that caused LED to remain lit when normally would flash
Enhanced DST Error recovery / handling
Adds the DELL(tm) signature

Dell Part #DescriptionCriticality

TN937 HD,146G,SAS,DU,15K,3.5,SGT,15KRecommended

2.) Seagate 15K6 SAS 3.5"

* Firmware Version HS0F *

Seagate 15k6 SAS, 3.5" version HS0F for drive models ST3450856SS, ST3300656SS and ST3146356SS.

Fixes and Enhancements
Performance Enhancements
Performance improvements to 4KB random reads

Dell Part #DescriptionCriticality

3.) Seagate 10k SAS 2.5"

* Firmware Version S22C *

Seagate 10k SAS 2.5", version S22C for drive models ST9146802SS (146GB) and ST973402SS (73GB).

Fixes and Enhancements
Improved handled during drive offline condition
Improved drive error recovery for ECC correctable errors
Resolved race condition during drive spin up
Resolved retry errors during format with certify
Fixed condition that caused LED to remain lit when normally would flash
Enhanced DST Error recovery / handling
Adds the DELL(tm) signature

Dell Part #DescriptionCriticality
HM407 HD,146G,SAS,3,10K,2.5,SGT,FIRE Recommended
CM318 HD,146G,SAS,DU,10K,2.5,SGT,FIRRecommended
GP881 HD,146G,SAS,3,10K,2.5,SGT2,FIRRecommended
TX535 HD,73G,SAS,3,10K,2.5,SGT,FIRE Recomm
Viac informácií



Dátum vydania

15 aug 2012

Typ súboru na prevzatie



Jednotka SAS


Dell Technologies odporúča nainštalovať túto aktualizáciu počas nasledujúceho plánovaného cyklu aktualizácií. Aktualizácia obsahuje zlepšenia, ktoré umožnia udržať celý systém v dobrom stave. Systémový softvér vďaka nej zostane aktuálny a kompatibilný s inými systémovými modulmi (firmvér, BIOS, ovládače a softvér) a jej súčasťou môžu byť aj ďalšie nové funkcie.
Dostupné formáty Zobraziť dôležité informácie

Formát súboru: Externý komprimačný program (ZIP)
Názov súboru: DELL_MULTI-DEVICE_A11_R239489.exe
Veľkosť súboru: 39.97 MB
Tento súbor je veľký. Ak máte pomalšie pripojenie na internet, sťahovanie môže trvať trochu dlhšie.
Popis formátu:
Tento soubor obsahuje komprimovanou (případně komprimovanou do archivu ZIP) sadu souborů. Stáhněte soubor do složky na pevném disku, a poté jej spusťte (poklepejte na něj), rozbalí se sada souborů. Podle pokynů dokončete instalaci.
Ak chcete skontrolovať neporušenosť prevzatého súboru, overte kontrolný súčet.

Formát súboru: Externé poznámky k vydaniu
Názov súboru: R239489.txt
Veľkosť súboru: 30.29 KB
Tento súbor je veľký. Ak máte pomalšie pripojenie na internet, sťahovanie môže trvať trochu dlhšie.
Popis formátu:
Tento formát súboru obsahuje obyčajný text, ktorý je možné zobraziť v štandardnom textovom editore.
Ak chcete skontrolovať neporušenosť prevzatého súboru, overte kontrolný súčet.
Nie je k dispozícii
Nie je k dispozícii

Prevzatím súborov vyjadrujete súhlas s podmienkami Softvérovej licenčnej zmluvy so spoločnosťou Dell. (v angličtine)

Ďalšie podrobnosti

Zobraziť všetko | Skryť všetko
"This release is intended for use on drives attached to SAS/ PERC controllers and MD1000 Enclosures. To update drives attached to MD3000 and MD3000i enclosures, use R227532"

Please note: Only Dell Branded SAS/SCSI and PERC controllers are supported. Embedded SATA controllers are not supported.

On drives attached to PERC5/PERC6 controllers, the first drive to be updated requires a 5 minute delay before firmware flash to begin. Do not power cycle or reboot your system while the update is in progress.
Dell SAS/SATA Hard Drive

1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.


1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.
2. Read over the release information presented in the dialog window.
3. Download and install any prerequisites identified in the dialog window before proceeding.
4. Click the Install button.
5. Follow the remaining prompts to perform the update.

Detailed Instructions

1) Click Download now.
The File Download window appears.

2) Click the Save button.
The Save As window appears.

3) Select Desktop using the drop-down menu to the right of Save in.

4) Click the Save button.
A progress meter moves as the download is completed.

5) If necessary, click X in the upper right-hand corner of the Download Progress Window to close it upon completion.

6) Double click the Icon on your desktop for the newly saved file.

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