Dell 32-bit Diagnostics Utility Partition Contents Upgrade Tool, v.UpUpdate.A1266, A1266

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Dell 32-bit Diagnostics v1266 Utility Partition Upgrade Tool

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UpUpdate.A1266, A1266


15 apr. 2006






Dell Technologies anbefaler at du går gjennom denne oppdateringen for å finne ut om den gjelder for systemet ditt. Oppdateringen inneholder endringer som bare påvirker bestemte konfigurasjoner, eller som gir nye funksjoner som kanskje gjelder miljøet ditt.
Tilgjengelige formater

Filformat: Pakker ut filer direkte til lokal disk
Filnavn: ddup1266.exe
Filstørrelse: 2.72 MB
Dette er en stor fil. Avhengig av tilkoblingshastigheten kan det ta litt tid å laste den ned.
Dette filformatet er et arkiv med filer som kan pakkes ut til en mappe på harddisken. Deretter installerer du fra den mappen.
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Custom Instructions for ddup1266.exe:

Updating the contents of a Utility Partition with ddup1266.exe


1. Select the download method you want to use to retrieve the file - either HTTP or FTP.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click Yes, I Accept this Agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click Save this program to disk and click OK. The Save In window appears.
4. From the Save In drop-down menu click to select Desktop and then click Save. The file will download to your desktop.
5. If a Download Complete window appears, click Close. A new icon appears on your desktop.
6. Close your browser to exit the web site.

Update the Utility Partition

1. Double-click the new icon on the desktop labeled ddup1224.exe.
2. The Dell Diagnostic Update dialog box will appear. Click on the Update button.
3. An information dialog box will appear. During the update procedure, please do not power down or close the diagnostic update utility. Click the OK button to start the update.
4. When the utility partition update has been completed, the "Succesfully installed diagnostic build 1266" dialog box will appear. Click the OK button.
5. The diagnostics on the utility partition have now been updated.

If you receive a dialog box with the message "Diagnostics update not necessary. You currently have the most recent diagnostics." and you wish to refresh the files, use the following steps.
1. On your desktop, create a shortcut to the file ddup1266.exe.
2. Select the shortcut and with the alternate mouse button, select the Properties.
3. In the Properties dialog box, select the Shortcut tab.
4. In the Target: field, add "-f" (without the quote marks) to the end of the command line.
5. Click the Apply button for the Properties change.
6. Click the OK button to close the Properties dialog box.
7. Double-click the shortcut icon on the desktop.
8. The Dell Diagnostic Update dialog box will appear. Click on the Update button.
9. An information dialog box will appear. During the update procedure, please do not power down or close the diagnostic update utility. Click the OK button to start the update.
10. When the utility partition update has been completed, the "Succesfully installed diagnostic build 1266" dialog box will appear. Click the OK button.
11. The diagnostics on the utility partition have now been updated.

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