Matrox G450, v. 5.12.035, A00

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This is the Windows 2000 driver for the Matrox G450 video card on Dell WorkStations.

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Programrettelser og forbedringer

Initial Release
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5.12.035, A00


14 dec. 2000






Dell Technologies anbefaler at gennemse denne opdatering for at afgøre, om den er relevant for dit system. Opdateringen indeholder ændringer, der kun har indflydelse på visse konfigurationer, eller tilvejebringer nye funktioner, der muligvis passer til dit miljø.
Tilgængelige formater

Filformat: ZipPack-ekstern
Filnavn: 4502ka00.exe
Filstørrelse: 3.25 MB
Dette er en stor fil. Det kan tage et stykke tid at downloade den, afhængigt af din downloadhastighed.
Denne fil indeholder komprimerede (eller ZIP) filer. Hent filen til en mappe på din harddisk, og kør den derefter (dobbeltklik) for at udpakke filerne. Følg instruktionerne for at fuldføre installationen.
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1. Download the file from the Dell website to your hard drive. It is recommended you download it to your desktop for easy access.
2. Double-click on the file you just downloaded.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions. The program will create a folder on your hard drive for the files.
4. From the operating system Start menu, go to SETTINGS, CONTROL PANEL and double-click Display to activate the Display Properties dialog.
5. Click the Settings tab.
6. Click the Display Type button to activate the Display Type dialog.
7. Click the Change button to activate the Change Display dialog.
8. Click the Have Disk button to activate the Install From Disk dialog.
9. Make sure default path matches the path of were your files were extracted to in the Install From Disk dialog and select ok.
10. Another dialog labeled Change Display will appear listing the title of the driver to be installed. Verify that your video card is highlighted and click OK.
11. During the installation, a dialog labeled "Files Needed" will appear and indicate that an additional file is needed. The default path will be the same
12. A dialog box labeled Installing Driver should appear indicating that the drivers were successfully installed. Click OK.
13. Click Close in the Display Type dialog.
14. Click Close in the Display Properties dialog.
15. A final dialog will appear and state the system settings have been changed and that you must restart your computer in order for the new settings to take effect.
16. Remove any floppy disks and CDROMS from the computer.
17. Restart your computer.
18. The Display Driver will be loaded during system boot and display at the 640 x 480 resolution. However, if an earlier version of the Driver exists, the resolution will be the last one selected. After logging on again, the resolution can be changed in the Display Properties dialog.
19. Following the system shutdown and subsequent logon, a dialog will appear stating that the current settings are invalid. This dialog appears the first time you logon after you have changed the display driver. Click OK and configure the display settings to meet your requirements.

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