Dell PowerVault 224F/660F SES Firmware, v. 1.9.5, A01

AUTOMATICKY NAINSTALOVÁNO Tento soubor byl automaticky nainstalován v rámci nedávné aktualizace. Pokud máte jakékoli problémy, můžete jej stáhnout a přeinstalovat ručně.
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SES 1.9.5 Test Release Notes

The SES195.bin file is the required file for the download. It is highly
recommended that all I/O is stopped before beginning this procedure.

You must update the SES firmware on each LS module in the PowerVault 660
and each of the attached enclosures. This includes the 660F as well as all
attached 224F enclosures.

If you are replacing an LS module, or adding new PowerVault 224 units to
an existing subsystem, you should update all LS modules with this firmware.

Enclosure services must be online to update the firmware. If enclosure
services are offline then restore them to the online state before
performing the following procedure.

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Opravy a vylepšení

Improvements to SES 1.9.5
SES 1.9.5 enhances the communication between SES modules. In the past
there were times when thresholds set on the master SES were not copied to
the slave SES. In a failover scenario the slave would apply the old
values, requiring that the user reset the new thresholds.

SES 1.9.5 enhances reporting so that when an LS module fails, Dell Open
Manage Array Manager can report the problem. The LED for the LS module
will, as in previous versions, still light when an LS module is in a
failed state.

SES 1.9.5 now reports the correct model name of the system, either PV660
or PV224.

In SES 1.3b2, upper warning/critical for LS Module temperature sensors is
45C/55C and for power supply sensors is 55C/65C, which is incorrect. The
correct settings are in SES 1.9.5 and are 35C/45C for the LS module
temperature sensors and 45C/55C for the power supply.
Další informace


1.9.5, A01

Datum vydání:

20 zář 2001

Typ souboru ke stažení



Technologie fibre channel


Společnost Dell Technologies doporučuje tuto aktualizaci zkontrolovat a zjistit, zda je pro váš systém vhodná. Aktualizace obsahuje změny, které mají vliv pouze na určité konfigurace, nebo poskytuje nové funkce, které se mohou nebo nemusí vztahovat k danému prostředí.
Dostupné formáty

Formát souboru: Extrahuje soubory přímo na místní disk
Název souboru: SES_195.exe
Velikost souboru: 115.92 KB
Jde o velký soubor. Stahování může nějakou dobu trvat, v závislosti na rychlosti připojení.
Popis formátu:
Tento formát souboru se skládá z archívu souborů, které lze rozbalit do adresáře na pevném disku. Instalaci lze provést z tohoto adresáře.
Chcete-li zajistit integritu stahování, ověřte hodnotu kontrolního součtu.
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Stažením souhlasíte s podmínkami Licenční smlouvy na software společnosti Dell. (anglicky)

Další podrobnosti

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To update the LS module SES firmware, perform the following steps:

1. Start Array Manager on the host system by clicking Start-- Programs--
OpenManage Applications-- Array Manager-- Array Manager Console.

2. Update the SES firmware on the PowerVault 660F.

a. Click Arrays-- PV660F SubSystem-- Physical Array.

b. Right-click the controller for the subsystem you wish to upgrade and
choose Download-- SES Firmware.

c. Select all the enclosure check boxes and click Next.

d. Click Browse and locate the SES195.bin file. Click Next.

e. Click Finish and OK.

NOTE: This process takes about 8 to 9 minutes for each additional LS
module in
the storage array. If the firmware update does not complete successfully,
the process until it does. This issue is not a hardware problem, but a

f. After download completes, right-click the PV660F subsystem in Array
Manager and choose Rescan to update the properties information.

g. Right-click the enclosure in Array Manager, choose Properties, and
verify that it is using SES firmware version 1.9.5. If it is not, repeat
the download procedure.

h. Physically remove the primary LS module to cause failover.

i. Right-click the PV660F subsystem in Array Manager and choose Rescan
to update the properties information.

j. Right-click the enclosure and choose Properties to verify its
firmware level is also at version 1.9.5. If it is not, repeat the
download procedure.

k. Replace the LS module that you removed. If you have multiple
enclosures, you must verify the firmware level on every LS module
in the subsystem, one at a time.

Nápověda a instruktáž k ovladačům