Obraz ISO disku DVD s nástroji pro správu systémů Dell a dokumentací, v.7.4

Vyžadován restart AUTOMATICKY NAINSTALOVÁNO Tento soubor byl automaticky nainstalován v rámci nedávné aktualizace. Pokud máte jakékoli problémy, můžete jej stáhnout a přeinstalovat ručně.
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The Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD provides a consolidated toolset for managing Dell systems through the entire system lifecycle: deployment, monitoring and update. This DVD includes: Dell Systems Build and Update Utility, the OpenManage Server Administrator agent, Systems Service and Diagnostics Tools and Systems Documentation. The Full ISO is located below. If you download the Full ISO - It is recommended to utilize the Dell Download Manager.

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Opravy a vylepšení


1.Added support for the following operating systems:
a.Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
b.Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 64 bit
c.Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 64 bit
d.VMware ESXi 5.0 U3 Flash and HDD
e.Vmware ESXi 5.1 U2 Flash and HDD
f.VMware ESXi 5.5 Flash and HDD
g.VMware vSphere 5.5

2.Added support for the following browsers:
Mozilla Firefox 22 and 23, Internet Explorer 11, Safari 6.0, and Google Chrome 27, 28, and 30

3.Support for a new license format for Citrix XenServer 6.1

4.Added support for the following Adapter cards:
a.Mellanox ConnectX-3 Dual Port 40 GbE QSFP and Network Adapter
b.Mellanox ConnectX-3 Dual Port 10 GbE DA/SFP and Network Adapter
c.Mellanox ConnectX-3 Dual Port 10 GbE KR Blade Mezzanine Card
d.Emulex OCe14102-UX-D Dual Port 10Gb SFP and CNA
e.Emulex OCm14102-U3-D Dual Port 10Gb KR Blade Mezz
f.Emulex OCm14102-U2-D Dual Port 10Gb KR Blade NDC
g.Emulex OCm14104-UX-D Quad Port 10Gb DA/SFP and Rack NDC

5.Added support for Dell PERC 9 controllers (H730P Adapter) with the following features:
a.RAID 10 virtual disk with uneven span.
b.Advanced 4K sector hard disk drives.
c.T10 Protection Information (PI) for data integrity.

6.Added support for the enumeration of LSI HBA cards (SAS 9206 - 16e, SAS 9207-8e and SAS 9300 -8e) on supported 12G systems.

7.Support for displaying and setting the JRE version.

8.Support for displaying Node Id in System/Server Module Summary information.

9.Support for new values for form factor aligning to iDRAC values.

10.Support for deployment of Windows operating system in Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) mode in DTK.

11.Support for USB bootable DTK embedded Linux ISO image.

12.Availability of DTK in Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD.

13.RAIDCFG configuration supports the following options configured through RAID controller BIOS in DTK:
a.Configuring the boot mode of the controller.
b.Configuring the auto import property ofthe controller.
c.Rebuilding physical disks associated with a virtual disk.
d.Configuring the array disk state to online or offline.
e.Converting RAID to non-RAID and vice versa on an array disk.
f.Replacing the physical disk of a virtual disk.
g.Executing consistency check on a virtual disk.
h.Erasing the encrypted physical disk.
i.Displaying the following in the array disk details : Power state ,Disk State, S.M.A.R.T. state ,Maximum Device Link Rate, Negotiated Link Rate, Secured State and Encryption Capability

14.Support for following Dell PowerEdge servers :
R920 ,M820VRTX,R220,M520VRTX ,M620VRTX

15.Deprecated support for the following operating systems:
a.SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4
b.SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2
c.Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 (64 bit)
d.VMware ESXi 5.1 U1 HDD and Flash
e.VMware ESXi 5.0 U2 HDD and Flash
Další informace


7.4.0, A00

Datum vydání:

11 bře 2014

Typ souboru ke stažení

Obrazy ISO na DVD


Zabezpečená správa systémů


Společnost Dell Technologies doporučuje tuto aktualizaci zkontrolovat a zjistit, zda je pro váš systém vhodná. Aktualizace obsahuje změny, které mají vliv pouze na určité konfigurace, nebo poskytuje nové funkce, které se mohou nebo nemusí vztahovat k danému prostředí.
Dostupné formáty Zobrazit důležité informace

Formát souboru: Obraz ISO disku CD-ROM
Název souboru: OM_SMTD_740_A00.iso
Velikost souboru: 3.17 GB
Jde o velký soubor. Stahování může nějakou dobu trvat, v závislosti na rychlosti připojení.
Popis formátu:
Tento soubor obsahuje obraz ISO určený k vytvoření disku CD-ROM. Stáhněte soubor do složky na pevném disku a vytvořte disk CD pomocí vybraného softwaru pro vypalování disků CD.
Chcete-li zajistit integritu stahování, ověřte hodnotu kontrolního součtu.

Stažením souhlasíte s podmínkami Licenční smlouvy na software společnosti Dell. (anglicky)

Další podrobnosti

Zobrazit vše | Skrýt vše
Download the ISO file, and use your DVD burning software to create a DVD and run on the applicable systems.
Documentation link has install guides and other reference guides
Citrix XenServer 6.1
Citrix XenServer 6.2
Novell SuSE Linux ES 11
VMware ESXi 4.1
VMware ESXi 5.0
Windows Server 2008 x64
Windows Server 2012
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 6
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 5
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows 7, 32-bit
Windows 7, 64-bit
Windows 8, 32-bit
Windows 8, 64-bit
icrosoft Windows Server 2008 x86
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows XP
Windows Server 2003 x64
VMware ESX 4.1
VMware ESXi 5.1
VMware ESXi 5.5
OpenManage System Tools and Documentation DVD ISO
1. Click the Download File link to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your hard drive.Extract Files
3. Burn this downloaded ISO into a DVD
4. Boot the DVD on supported Dell PowerEdge Server (as mentioned in platforms affected) and proceed for operating system deployment.

Note - Alternatively you can also boot up a supported PowerEdge Server with its iDRAC Virtual Media mounted with the downloaded ISO
a. Dell system with minimum memory of 512 MB.
b. DVD drive, Dell Server Updates media, and Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation media (to install Dell OpenManage System Administrator).
c. A Network File System (NFS) or multiple Samba network shares.
NOTE - If you do not have network connectivity for the system you are deploying, make sure that you have multiple USB drives.
NOTE - This is not applicable for PowerEdge SC systems.
d. Basic knowledge of RAID, BIOS, BMC, and DRAC.

Reboot will be required

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