Reboot a Cisco MDS switch - Connectrix To reboot a Cisco MDS series switch, run the following commands to save config and reload. *** NOTE THIS IS A DISRUPTIVE PROCEDURE!!! ALL FC TRAFFIC WILL BE DROPPED ON THIS SWITCH WHILE THE SWITCH RELOADS!!!*** copy run start reload.
Welcome to Dell Technologies Connectrix Cisco MDS - How to Series.
How to reboot a Cisco MDS switch. Reference Dell Knowledge Base Article # 010765 and 009881. This video was created to: Demonstrate how to reboot a Cisco MDS switch or how to reload a switch module.
This video presents the following: To reload the entire switch, an active supervisor module, a standby supervisor module, or a specific module, or to force a netboot on a given module, use the "reload" command in "EXEC" mode.
The "reload" command used by itself powers down all the modules and reboots the supervisor modules. This is a disruptive procedure. All FC traffic will be dropped on the switch while the switch reloads.
Command syntax: Use the "reload" module command to power-cycle the module, if the given slot has a module or standby supervisor.
If the given slot has an active supervisor, then it causes the currently active supervisor module to reboot and the standby supervisor module becomes active.
The reload module "force-dnld" command is similar to the previous command. This command forces netboot to be performed. If the slot contains a module, then the module netboots with the latest firmware and updates its corresponding flash with this image.
When to do this: When you want to proactively reboot the switch as part of maintenance activity. If the switch is running low on free memory, you can consider reloading the switch.
Before you begin: Back up the switch configuration by following the steps below: Save the running configuration to startup configuration. Save the configuration file to a Remote server using FTP, TFTP, SCP, or SFTP. To reload the switch, run the command "reload".
Enter "y" when prompted. Here is the demonstration. Before rebooting the switch, back up the switch configuration. Save the running configuration to startup configuration.
Then save the configuration file to a Remote Server. Now, reload the switch by issuing the command "reload". Enter "y" at the prompt. This will take a few minutes for the switch to reload and come online.
After the reload, log back into the switch. You can check switch uptime using the command "show system uptime". You can check the reason of switch reboot using the command "show system reset reason".
Important notes: You can non-disruptively reload the switch or module by using the following commands: Reload module x non-disruptive command on director switches, where x is the slot number of the relevant device.
Reload system non-disruptive command on departmental switches. This command does an upgrade to the same image which the system already is booted with.
No FC traffic will be affected. The reload system non-disruptive command is available in Cisco NX-OS 8.4(2) and later.
Refer to the following for more information: Dell Knowledge Base Article # 010765 and 009881. Cisco MDS 9000 Series Command reference, Release 8.x. Command: "reload".
Thank you for watching.