Hello. On this tutorial, we will learn how to integrate Dell repository manager with open manage integration for VM Ware. For simplicity's sake, we will refer to Dell repository manager as Dr M to get started. We will click on the a repository menu option on the top left. This will bring up a wizard that will help us create a repository in the RM. We will be asked to provide a name for the repository. This is for management purposes only acid is the description right below. Then we will need to switch the repository type to integration and select open manage integration for vmware on the drop down menu.
On the next screen, we will be prompted for the IP address for both VCENTER and open manage integration for VMWARE. The virtual appliance IP refers to the IP address for one IBB on the field below. We will provide the IP address and credentials for B center. In this example, I will use the administrator at vsphere dot local credentials. Once the credentials are provided, we will click on that connect button, it will take a few minutes for the DRM application to connect to B center NB once it has completed, it will provide a list of servers that were detected. These servers are coming from the open manage integration for vmware inventory process.
Once we click on, finish, the repository is then added into our list of repositories. In order to continue this process, we'll need to click on the export option on the top. Right. In this example, my plugins were out of date. I will go ahead and update the plugins for the purposes of this tutorial. I will escape over that process. The next step is to choose a location. If you want to specify a different location, you can click on the browse button. Otherwise you can click on export. The export process will take several minutes to complete. The reason for this is that the updates need to be downloaded from our website and and saved into the location that we specified. I will do a quick spot check that that location that I specified for my export excessive share.
If you're not familiar with creating a windows save share, you can create one by right, clicking on the folder that you want to share. Select properties, click on the sharing tab and then on advanced sharing, you will then need to provide a shared name and the permissions for the share for now, we will go back to the jobs queue in the repository manager and check on the status of our job. Once the job completes in Dell repository manager. We can check on the folder that we say the downloads to and then copy the name for the XML catalog file. In most cases, the catalog file will be the same name as the repository name with the version number. And then the extension that XML, this is a file that we will need to provide to open manage integration for VMWARE so that I can see the updates that are available for those systems inside B center. We'll need to click on menu and select the tail, open manage integration menu option.
This will take us into the old my interface inside B center. Once it finishes loading, we'll need to click on compliance and deployment profiles and repository profile. The option given there will be to create a new repository in the repository profile wizard. We will be asked to provide a profile name and a profile description for the repository profile. This is independent of the RM and it's only visible inside the O ID V plug in the name and description is a matter of preference. The last step in this process is to specify the sieve share location that we save the updates to. If you remember correctly. In Dell repository manager, we exported that job into one of our sie shares.
We'll need to provide the name of the sieve share along with the catalog, the XML file name. In order for my EV to connect to the SIE share, we will need to provide the user name and the password for that location. In my example, that SIF share is sitting inside a windows BM. Hence I provided the credentials for Windows. Before you proceed, you'll have to click on begin test to verify connectivity and we provided a summary. This concludes the integration from DRM into OB. Thank you for watching.