Did you know that you can quickly return your Dell purchase through our website? It's easy to submit the request online. In just a few clicks, go to dell dot com slash orders support and check if you are on the right region on the top right of the page type in your order number and then click on find my order, scroll down on your account page and under actions, select return slash replace items from there, select the product you would like to return and click next on the next page.
Choose a reason for the return and share any details in the comments box. Click next, select your preferred return method and fill out the form. You can choose to either drop off the return at a drop off location near you or opt to have it picked up at your chosen location.
You can choose a way that works best for you. Review your information before submitting. After clicking submit, you will see your return details displayed on a confirmation page.
You will also receive a confirmation email with all the details about your return. You can track the status of your return by using the order number on your account page on your account page.
Click on the view details button next to the service request option there, you will see all the details about your process and in which stage it is in upon receipt of your authorized and proper return de will issue a credit or a refund of the purchase price paid.
If you still need help or have any questions. Please check out the FA Q link available in the video description.