Hello my name is Marco.
I'm a subject matter expert with Dell EMC. I work within the modular space. Today we're talking about updating the R1-2401 VRTX 1 gig switch.
Before running any updates on a customer's environment, we want to make sure that they have a copy of the running configuration saved. Today we'll be updating our software on the switch.
We're on a 2 series. The instructions are going to be in the zip file that you get from dell.com/support. Under network you'll see the switch is going to be listed out.
Just download that and extract the files. You're going to need a TFTP server set up. It is best to have a local connection, that way you can run these fairly seamlessly, and what you'd want to do is, put the files in the TFTP folder before you start, that we have access to them, and as you can see here, first you're going to SSH in to the CMC.
We're going to connect into our switch. Use your credentials to log in, and again you can see here that all the instructions are going to be given to you within the series that you're trying to go to and from, step by step.
Just run the following: show space version and here you can see our software version is going to be six nine. And our boot version is dot two, and these are both gonna be in that package when you download it and extract it.
Since we're already on this boot version, I can go ahead and run it again just as an example. It's not going to do much of anything but what you want to do or what you want to see, is the following output.
If you see exclamation points that means that it is running through. If you just see periods or dots it's going to get a timeout error. It's not reading correctly.
All right, so for the boot version we're going to run: copy space tftp with the file path. you see it progressing. You're getting some green exclamation marks.
It shows that it went through successfully. Now again, we're just gonna check our version. And this is the image that's running right now we can see dot six nine is a software version that's active on switch.
We wanna update it to dot eight two. Again it's very important that we're typing in the file name exactly how it is. This is all within the user's guide and how to.
Take your time, let this go through, green exclamation points it's a good thing, that's what you would want to see. Keep in mind the software version is going to take a little bit of time, so I've sped this up in the video.
All right we want to do: "show bootvar". Gonna show the two images that are in the system and you can see that our active image is still on the dot six nine version.
We're going to bump this up to the dot eight two. And in order to do this, you just need to run: "boot system image-2" and show bootvar. Now that's my mistake. We type in our reload command.
We want to do yes, y for yes, yes. So I had to restart the video my system stopped recording. What you're gonna notice on here is, the switch does time out, you'll just log back in through the CMC interface,.
log in, "connect switch-1" use your credentials, you run "show bootvar". That's going to show you the version, that's actually active. Earlier in the video you'll notice that I said we're going to set image-2.
We corrected it back to image-1, after that completed this is what you're going to end up with being our active.
From here you're all set, your switch is now updated, have a great day.