This video shows how to replace a faulted power supply and cooling module in your 25-drive DAE. First, locate the faulted power supply and cooling module using Unisphere. You can also locate a faulted power supply and cooling module using its LEDs. The fault LED will be lit amber if the part is faulted, and off if the part is operating normally.
You also should make sure that you have the replacement power supply and cooling module ready to install right away. To protect the system from overheating, the enclosure powers down unless you replace the power supply and cooling module within two minutes.
First, unplug the power cable from the power supply and cooling module. Next, remove the power supply and cooling module from the system by pressing the orange handle button to release the module. Then, pull the latch outward and remove the part from the slot.
Install the new power supply and cooling module into the empty slot. When the module is fully seated, press the latch in to secure it in place. Finally, plug in the power cord. When finished, make sure your replacement power supply and cooling module is recognized by the system and operating correctly from Unisphere. You’ve just replaced a faulted power supply.
For more information on adding or replacing other components of the Dell EMC Unity system go to the Dell EMC Unity Technical documentation page using the link in the description for this video.