Hi, my name is Ted. I'm a principal engineer in the systems management group with WE MC. Today we're gonna go over the new open manage enterprise version four feature idr, password management, id, password management allows rotation, a periodic timetable for id drive, passwords used for communication between the Idrac and open manage enterprise. This is used to perform various device management operations. Once this has been enabled, there is no way to disable this feature. This feature does require the open manage enterprise advanced or advanced plus license for your Idrac for the password rotation to function.
The internal password rotation feature creates a service account on your Idrac and it supports up to 16 different local accounts. When this is exceeded. The internal password rotation cannot be used in these cases. Communication between the appliance Idrac would rely on the device discovery credentials on the initial login to the open manage enterprise appliance. You'll be presented with a wizard to enable this feature. Here, we can choose to either enable or disable this feature. I'm going to leave this check box checked and in this instance, we are going to be doing a brand new open manage enterprise for appliance. Here, we are being asked to install the cloud IQN services plug-in and agree to those terms and conditions.
At this time, we're not going to do a migration migration will be covered in another video. At this point, we can log back into the open manage enterprise appliance. Then we will be presented with the initial wizard configure time at proxy which will leave these as default settings and then we can discover our first device. We're gonna discover a server with the Dell Idrac option. Give it our IP address and credentials. I'm going to enable trap perception and set the community string so that my open manage enterprise can receive alerts. Once finished, it takes me to the initial jobs discovery monitor where we can see our discovery job running.
Once discovery job is complete, the onboarding job will kick off and we should be able to see our device here in devices. Now, we have a new ome user created. This is the user that open manage enterprise will use to manage our IDRE here under preferences, eye direct management. We can enable the password rotation and we can choose our schedule either daily, weekly or monthly and we can choose a start and end time. I direct password management also has the ability to be managed by cyber arc. Cyber arc. Requirements would be that you have your I Drax already on boarded into your Cyber arc and available for management set up for password rotation.
Then you would connect to your cyber R compliance, provide all the credentials though. They will show up differently in open manage enterprise where we have a credential type here, we see this internal using cyber arc. It would be listed here under the credential type that concludes our video on the new feature of open manage enterprise four for password management and rotation.
Thank you. Have a great day.