Dell EMC offers the option to enable additional features on the CMC by purchasing an Enterprise license. The features enabled by the Enterprise license include CMC Settings Backup, Remote Syslog, Directory Services, and Remote File Share, to name a few. For testing purposes, Dell EMC grants you a 30-day trial license for CMC Enterprise to check these features by yourself.
You can find the download links for the license file in the video description below, and our knowledge base article SLN309292. To import the license on CMC, download the license file to your Dell PowerEdge server. Extract the zip file and upload it through the CMC web interface.
Log in and navigate to “Chassis Overview”. Click the “Setup” tab. And choose “Licenses”. Select “Import” from the drop down menu under license options. Wait until the process is finished. And a pop-up information occurs. At the top, it should now say that you use an Enterprise version.
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