In this video we will show you how to configure iDRAC Email Notifications for System Alerts. This includes setting up SMTP, including Authentication settings, and the Email Server Address.
iDRAC9 can send out email notifications for system alerts. Here’s how to enable it. After logging in to your iDRAC, you need to enable DNS for iDRAC in order to send email notifications.
Go to iDRAC Settings, Connectivity and expand Network Settings, then Common Settings. Set Register iDRAC on DNS to Enabled. Provide a DNS name and a static DNS domain name. Click Apply to save your changes. To enable generating alerts, go to Configuration, System Settings, and Alert Configuration.
Under Alerts, select Enable and click Apply. The iDRAC is now able to generate alerts for your system. We must now configure what alerts are sent out and where they are sent. Firstly, what alerts are sent out? At Alert Configuration, you can select the needed alerts by marking the check box in the email column.
Select Apply to save these settings. Now, we make sure that the alerts can be sent to the correct address. To do this, we must configure the email settings at SMTP (Email) Configuration. Set the email addresses that should receive alerts and click Apply. Under SMTP Server Settings, provide the needed details.
Enter the SMTP server address. Now, select Enabled on the server authentication dropdown and provide the login credentials, if needed.
You can also choose a sender email address and a message subject prefix or leave this to default. Click apply. Congratulations. iDRAC alert emails are now configured and ready to go.
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