In this demonstration, we’re going to look at adding an IO module in a unique storage subsystem. So, we’re going to take a look at the chassis, we’re going to go into the dashboard and look at enclosure’s, from the System View.
And we can see that we have some CNA ports here, but we can see we have the IO modules that are empty, and they’re empty on both slots here.
And I’m simply highlighting the slots here. So, we have SPA. And we’re going to go ahead and take a look at that. Now, remember, when you add IO modules, you have to add them in symmetry.
So, you’re going to have to add one in both SPs. So, I simply logged out, inserted the IO modules. You can see, now that they actually show up, they show up as degraded, however, at this particular point, because they haven’t done anything to add them to the system.
So if I click on that, you can see now I have to commit the IO modules. And by committing the IO modules I’m basically persisting this in the configuration file on the SP, so when it boots the next time it will find these files.
So I come up, I’m just going to verify that in fact I have seen the IO modules. I see a blue icon. That’s an informational icon telling me that everything looks good.
I come on back to the dashboard. Into the System View. And I can go back to the enclosure’s again, and you can see now that in both A and B, in this case B, and now down in A, that my IO module is OK.
And there’s been an IO module in position A, and everything looks healthy. I can go back to the alert’s, make sure that I see, in this case, the condition for the error.
When I first pulled it up, I should see everything, back to normal as well. And I’m just going to go ahead and acknowledge these and clear all the alerts that had to do with the system. And that is going to end the.