Here's how to create or delete a virtual disk in iDRAC9. Log in to iDRAC. Select 'Storage' then 'Overview'. Select 'Virtual Disks'. Then, to create select 'Create Virtual Disk' then 'Basic' or 'Advanced Configuration'. Choose the controller to work with. Enter a name, select a raid level, configure any other settings required, then click 'Next'.
Select the physical discs to use, then 'Next'. Edit the capacity if needed, then click 'Next'. Review your settings. If you're happy click 'Add to Pending'. Choose whether to apply your change now or later. If you Apply Now' you can follow the progress by clicking 'Job Queue'. It may take a minute or two to complete.
To delete a disk, again go to 'Storage' then 'Overview'. Select 'Virtual Disks'. From the 'Actions' drop down for the disk you'reworking with, select 'Delete' then click 'OK' to confirm. Choose whether to apply your change now or later. Again, if you click 'Apply Now' you can follow the progress by clicking 'Job Queue'. As with creating, it can take a couple of minutes.
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