If your portable computer won't turn on, try troubleshooting before seeking technical support. First, check if the battery is charged and plug in the adapter if necessary. If the computer still won't turn on, check the AC adapter connection and try a different outlet or bypass a surge protector. If there is a build-up of static electricity, disconnect the adapter and battery, hold the power button for 10 seconds, and then reconnect everything. If none of these steps work, contact Dell technical support.
Is your portable computer refusing to turn on? Don't worry! Some basic troubleshooting is all it takes to find the cause and possibly a solution.
Are you turning on the computer with just the battery? It is possible the battery has run out of charge. Plug in the adapter and charge the adapter before you try again.
If the computer doesn't switch on with the power adapter connected try the following steps: Check to ensure the AC adapter is connected to the wall outlet and plugged in correctly.
Your Dell AC adapter has a status LED. If the LED is not lit, try another outlet. If the LED lights up with a different wall outlet, the first one is malfunctioning.
If you are using a surge protector between the adapter and the wall outlet try a differnt slot or bypass the surge protector and connect directly to the wall outlet.
If this resolves the issue, the surge protector is not operating as designed. At times, a build up of static electricity will keep the computer from turning on, despite a full battery and a connected AC adapter.
To resolve this, disconenct the AC adapter and remove the battery. Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds.
Reseat the battery Connect the AC adapter and try switching on. The laptop should turn on now. If this does not resolve the issue you can always call Dell technical support for expert assistance.
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