The Software RAID feature on the iDRAC Service Module (iSM) enables you to check inventory and perform Software RAID configuration on S140, S150, and S160 software RAID controllers on Dell PowerEdge 14th, and newer generation of servers running on Microsoft Windows operating system. The Software RAID configuration enables to create and delete virtual disks on Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) devices.
In this video, you will learn how to check inventory for virtual disks and perform software R configuration on MBM devices. Before you begin, ensure to install Idrac service module and enable the software ra feature on the host operating system. Now opens command prompt to display the help options type the command DC ISM CFG dot EXC space hyphen W raid and press enter the help options for the software raid configuration is displayed to review the virtual disk information type the command DC IM CFG dot E space hyphen W A space hyphen get VD and press.
Enter the virtual disk information is displayed to get the physical dis information type the command DCIS M CFG dot E XC space hyphen W space hyphen GP D and press enter the physical disk information is displayed to get the software raid controller information type. The command DC is MC FG dot exe space hyphen sw A space hyphen get CTRL and press enter the software rig controller information is displayed to create a virtual disk only for the MVM device type.
The command DC ISM CFG dot EX space hyphen W A space hyphen CTRL ID equals zero space hyphen CVD space, hyphen RL equals and then enter the raid level space, hyphen PD equals then enter the physical dis id of the MVM device and press enter the virtual disc is created and the message is displayed to perform this operation on multiple virtual disks and other virtual disk ids of multiple MVM devices separated by a comma to get the virtual dis details type command DC IM CFG dot E space hyphen W A space hyphen get VD and press enter.
Notice that the virtual disk information is displayed to delete a virtual disk only for in theme devices type the command D CS M CFG dot E space hyphen W A space hyphen CTRL ID equal zero space hyphen DVD space hyphen VD equals enter the virtual disk id of the MVM device and then press enter now type Y to confirm the deletion, the virtual disk is deleted and the message is displayed to view the virtual disk details type the command DCIS M CFG dot E space hyphen W A space hyphen get VD and press enter. Notice that no virtual disk information is available for more information about Idrac service module. manuals.