In this video we will demonstrate how to capture an HTTP log using Admin Policy Tool on ThinOS 9.0. Note, that you can also use Wyse Management Suite 2.0 to enable the HTTP log option.
To begin, start your ThinOS 9.0 based device. From the desktop menu, click System Setup and then click Admin Policy Tool. On the Admin Policy Tool screen, go to the Advanced tab and expand Services.
Now, click Troubleshooting Settings. On the Troubleshooting Settings window, enable the Enable HTTP Log option. Click Save and Publish. In an event where the Citrix login on ThinOS fails, you can extract the HTTP log files for troubleshooting purposes.
Connect a USB drive to your ThinOS 9.0 based device. From the desktop menu, open the Troubleshooting window and click Export logs. When prompted, enter a unique password. Note that this password is used when extracting the log files from the export bundle.
You must not use the administrator password for the log file. Now click OK. All trace files including the event logs are exported to the USB drive.
To view files, go to the root folder of the USB drive. All files are saved as a compressed TGZ (t-g-z) file. Extract the TGZ file. Enter the password when prompted.
By default, the extracted files are saved in the same folder as the TGZ file. Navigate through the subfolders. Verify if the http log file is available.
For more information about troubleshooting your ThinOS client, see the Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 9.0 Administrator’s Guide at