Hi, welcome to the Dell Networking Sonic video series. In this video, we will show you how to configure Sonic 4.0 cli software installation. These steps assume that your switch has an OS installed and will act as a stand alone unit. A server with http services must be available to the switch, check the currently booted OS image and the image that will be booted next on the reboot with the command show image list. This will display which is currently booted Sonic OS 401 and the next image on reboot.
We will use the image install command to install a new image into the next slot. This will be loaded at the next boot. We will use http to retrieve a Sonic 4.03 image from the server 10.0 0.0 0.200. The switch would now start to download and then install the image to check the status of the image. Download process, use the show image status command. As you can see here, we are now transferring the image and download and it is 21%.
You have a time stamp of when the transfer started now there is an end time and a 100% profile progress. The transfer download is now successful. The switch is currently installing the new software under the switch. Now there is an end time to the operation status of installing and it says that the state of success we can now do the show image list again, you'll see that the next boot up will have 403 enterprise base.
And in our available image lists, we have 401 and 403. Now we will show you how to change the next image to boot from the available list, use the image set default command and then the image name now that we've set default to the Sonic 401, it appears in the next reboot image slot and that is how you change the image from any of the available OS versions. This concludes the steps needed to download, install and change the default boot image in Sonic 40 CLI.
Thank you for watching the Dell Networking video.