Learn how to collect Brocade Supportsave logs using SANnav, an essential skill for network troubleshooting and maintenance. This video provides a detailed walkthrough, ensuring you have the knowledge to efficiently use SANnav for log collection. For more Information, check our Knowledge Base click here.
Hello everyone. In this video, let us learn how to collect switch support save using SANAB. Switch Supportsave saves R log, Trace Stump, Support Show file, Core file, FFDC data, and other support information that would be needed by the Technical Support team to investigate an issue for which you have raised an SR. Let us log into the SANAV Management Portal. Select SANAV Services, Supportsave Management.
The Supportsave Management dialog box is displayed. Select all or individual switches to generate support save. Check the box on the left next to the chassis name and select Generate from the action drop-down to collect all switches. Or you can generate the Supportsave from individual switches by selecting the switch. In this example, I am going to generate the Supportsave logs for G620 switch. Drop down and click on Generate. The Generate Support Save dialogue box opens up with several options for the user to select. Select the desired protocol, SFTP or SCP.
Through Dump only, Frump data will be collected. Include prefix to the file name, you can add for example, data center name or any other prefix. Upload generated file after completion, you can automatically upload the file to FTP, SFTP, and SCP site. Use password to protect the file, you can give the compressed file a password if needed. Reset counter, you can reset the counters on the switch after completion.
In this example, I am not selecting any of these options. Now click on OK. Supportsave generation is in progress, this might take some time to complete. Once the Supportsave is started, the status of the Supportsave Management dialogue box shows the progress under the Status column. When the generation of Supportsave is completed, under the same dialogue box on the Generated Files, the collected Supportsave is seen. Using the dropdown on the right, download the collected Supportsave logs. You can share it with Technical Support team for investigation of an issue.
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