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文書番号: 000148560

Choosing Small Business Mode vs. Enterprise Mode

概要: Article for Choosing Small Business Mode vs. Enterprise Mode



1 Small Business Mode vs. Enterprise Mode

Intel Unite® can be deployed in two different modes: Standalone or Enterprise. The mode selection will depend on the following parameters:

How many conference rooms will you deploy?

  • Small Business Mode is designed for small businesses that will deploy no more than 5 conference rooms. Intel recommends limiting Small Business Mode to 25 users and 5 conference rooms.
  • Enterprise Mode scales deployments from 1 to 10,000 conference rooms.

Do you need to remotely configure and manage the Dell OptiPlex Hubs?

  • Small Business Mode does not require a server to deploy or manage Hubs.
  • Enterprise Mode includes a Server component, to facilitate Hub monitoring and to control Hub features.

Do passwords meet your content protection security needs, or do you require SSL Certificate-based security?

  • Small Business Mode hubs will be configured with an administrator-specified Shared Key (password) to secure the connections between Hubs and Clients. The Shared Key is provided on both the Dell OptiPlex Hub and the end-user’s Client to initiate a secure connection.
  • Enterprise Mode allows an administrator to secure the connections between Hubs and Clients using SSL certificates managed by the Server, instead of a Shared Key (password).

How many nodes or subnets in your Company’s network?

  • Standalone Mode was designed for use by Small Business Professionals, where a dedicated IT department may not be available to manage and deploy network infrastructure and manage hub policies. Standalone Mode assumes Hubs and Clients are connected to the same Flat Network (Hubs and Clients must be on the same subnet, sharing the same range of IP addresses).
  • Enterprise mode provides the flexibility to connect hubs and clients across subnets, it can take advantage of DNS lookup Services. To allow the greatest level of company-wide flexibility, Intel recommends configuring FQDNs for Servers and Hubs deployed in Enterprise mode.

1.1 Enterprise Mode

In Enterprise Mode, the Intel Unite® Server is used to Manage Hubs, Deploy PIN #’s, Host Client application downloads, and manage SSL certificates for Hub/Client Connections, and can support deployments of up to 10,000 Hubs.

Figure 1: Enterprise Mode

It’s important to note that presentations and meeting content are not distributed through the Enterprise Server. Hubs and clients negotiate direct connections across the network to share content. The server’s primary responsibilities are to prevent PIN collisions, host SSL certificates for secure connections, host downloads of the client applications (if not deployed through other means), and manage Intel® Unite™ application policies (such as allowing or blocking certain application sub-features).

1.2 Small Business Mode

In Small Business Mode, up to 5 Intel Unite® Hubs can be deployed independently on the same network, each will negotiate a unique PIN number to allow simultaneous meetings:


Figure 2: Small Business Mode

Small Business Hubs and Clients can negotiate secure connections without the assistance of an Intel Unite® Server on smaller unmanaged (or minimally managed) networks. Client Downloads are hosted directly on the Intel Unite® Hub PC with a small pre-configured web portal.

1.3 Decided on your Enterprise or Small Business Deployment Strategy?

Depending on which mode will best meets your company’s needs, your next stop is to review the Small Business Deployment or Enterprise Deployment summaries to get a brief overview of the deployment flow.



21 2月 2021



