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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider FAQ

Summary: Article on Dell Command | PowerShell Provider FAQ

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The following article provides information based on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that Dell has received about the Dell Command PowerShell Provider application.

PowerShell Gallery is a public repository hosted by Microsoft. You can download and install Dell Command | PowerShell Provider from here.

For more information, refer Downloading Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Module from Microsoft Gallery section in the user guide.

To download the user guide, click Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Documentation

You can download Dell Command | PowerShell Provider from the Dell support site also.

  1. Supported PowerShell version: 5.0 and later.
  2. PowerShell get package manager:
SLN312325_en_US__1icon Note: Please be aware all commands are in English, please check for any changes that may be required for your language.

After downloading, run the following cmdlet within the Windows PowerShell console:

Get-Module –ListAvailable
SLN312325_en_US__1icon Note: Please be aware all commands are in English, please check for any changes that may be required for your language.

If you find DellBIOSProvider, you have successfully installed Dell Command |PowerShell Provider module in your system. Then you can import the module and get started.

For more information, refer Importing Dell Command | PowerShell Provider section in the user guide.

To download the user guide, click Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Documentation

No, upgrading from beta to 1.0 is not possible. if you have previously installed the beta version of Dell Command | PowerShell Provider, remove the folders and files of the beta version of this software before installing Dell Command | PowerShell Provider 1.0

Yes, you can uninstall HAPI driver if there is no other tool like DCC or DCM using the hapi driver. Dell Command | PowerShell Provider 1.0 does not require HAPI driver.

Yes, Dell Command | PowerShell Provider can be imported from a shared location by enabling this feature:

  1. Go to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
  2. Edit the powershell_ise.exe.config file as shown below:
                    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                             <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
                                      <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />
                                      <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>
SLN312325_en_US__1icon Note: Please be aware all command-line information is in English, please check for any changes that may be required for your language.

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider runs only on supported platforms with the latest BIOS. To see the complete list of supported platforms please click the following link to see the Compatible Systems.

To get the possible values for a particular attribute, run the following command:

Get-Item -Path | Select PossibleValues
SLN312325_en_US__1icon Note: Please be aware all commands are in English, please check for any changes that may be required for your language.

You can configure the BIOS settings of your system using Dell Command | PowerShell Provider. Go to the Overview section of the application.

No, Dell Command | PowerShell Provider can be used only on systems running Windows PowerShell console, and therefore cannot be used on a non-Windows Dell client system.

To get the list of all supported attributes, after you have imported the module, run the following command:

SLN312325_en_US__1icon Note: Please be aware all commands are in English, please check for any changes that may be required for your language.

The TPM feature can be cleared only from the BIOS setup screen:

  1. In the BIOS setup screen, click Security

  2. Click TPMSecurity

  3. Select the Clear option

  4. Apply the changes and restart the system

The SecureBoot feature can be disabled only from the BIOS setup screen:

  1. In the BIOS setup screen click Secure Boot

  2. Click Secure Boot Enable

  3. Select the Disabled option to disable the SecureBoot feature

Article Properties
Article Number: 000177314
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2021
Version:  6
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