In Enterprise mode, whenever the hub is not able to establish a connection with the Intel® Unite™ PIN server, the PIN number will display dashes "------"
Suggested isolation steps include:
Suggestion: Try running ipconfig.exe from a command prompt on the hub.
Suggestion: Try opening a web browser, and typing in the FQDN of the Unite Server: https://unite/ccservice.asmx, which should return a valid page, hosted by the Intel Unite® Sever.
During troubleshooting, collecting a log file can sometimes help you to uncover potential configuration problems. There are two types of logging activities to help you isolate problems during deployment of the Intel Unite® Hub, Client, or Server.
Installation Logs:
You can collect installation logs by re-installing the suspected component for server/hub/client using the "/l" command line option, with the path to log file:
Open a Windows command prompt, navigate to the directory where installation file is located (Hub, Client, or Server *.msi file), and launch the installer package using the following command line:
<unite installer filename> /l <path name for your log file>
Runtime Logs:
You can collect runtime logs by launching the Hub or Client executable (after installation) directly from the command prompt using the "/debug" command line option, to get additional information on connection flow.
Open Windows command prompt, navigate to the Program Files directory of the Hub or Client application, and then launch the Intel Unite application:
Intel also provides a detailed troubleshooting guide to help with common issues during Enterprise Mode Deployment.
Please also check section 12 of Enterprise deployment guide for more details.
A pop up window indicates the error ID. Based on the ID, the nature of the error can be determined.
Platform check fails with error ID333333
This error indicates that the Hub passed a platform check, but the code-signing certificate couldn’t be validated. This is usually due to an OS that doesn’t have an updated root certificate, so the public Intel Unite® code signing certificate can’t be validated.
Ensure the system is connected to the Internet, open a browser and navigate to (this forces the system to update root certificates).
Platform check fails with error ID666666
This error indicates that the platform is not compatible with the Intel Unite® application.
The latest version of Intel Unite solution (v3) only accepts SHA-2 certificates or greater. You should work with your IT department to ensure the trusted web server certificate issued is a SHA-2 certificate and the certification path is valid.
For a test environment, obtain a SHA-2 certificate or disable encryption in your environment.
o To use Unite without encryption, skip the next steps that provide details on Site Bindings for secure port 443 and proceed to install MS SQL Server and prepare the DNS service record. You also need to make sure that the service is found on port 80 when a DNS service record is created.
o Another way to skip the certificate check is to add the registry in the machine account of the hub and client.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Intel\Unite\AllowInsecureCertificates (DWORD)
[1 if certificate algorithm check should be skipped, 0 otherwise.
(if value is 0, we force the enterprise certificate to use a SHA2 certificate)]
Run the client application with a debug switch and save the information to a log file.
(Run Intel Unite.exe /debug >logfile.txt)
If the log file has the message "EXCEPTION: - Key not valid for use in specified state.", close the application and delete the file C:\Users\eaviles\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\[sid]\d046df
Client PC not connecting to Hub
Invalid PIN
If the message "The pin you entered could not be found. Please try again" appears when trying to connect to the Intel Unite® Hub:
Performance Issues
The Intel Unite® Hub and each Client device needs to meet the requirements mentioned at the start of this setup guide.
You may also see performance issues if you are operating on a congested network. It is recommended that the PC acting as the Hub uses a wired Ethernet connection to minimize lag caused by wireless congestion.
Changing Shared Key Value
Hub: Uninstall and reinstall the application.
Windows Client: Click on the gear on the bottom right corner of the Intel Unite® application.
Network Issues
Hub: You must log out. Make sure that you are connected; then log back in:
Firewall Issues
If you experience firewall issues, please refer to the Firewall Help Guide to configure Firewall Settings.
Shortcut Does Not Open Application
This is usually caused because the Intel Unite® application is already running in the background.
Reboot your system and try again. You can also use Task Manager to force the Intel Unite application to close.