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How to setup the Oracle user with password-less SSH

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Applies to:

Oracle Version - Applies to Oracle 10g and 11g
Platform - Applies to all Dell PowerEdge servers
Operating System - Enterprise Linux 5.x, Enterprise Linux 6.x


How do I setup Oracle user with password-less SSH?


In this article we will discuss how to setup your oracle user equivalence for your Oracle RAC environment.

To configure ssh for oracle user equivalence:


We assume you have created and set a password for your oracle user for all your nodes within your cluster environment.

Configuration Steps:
  1. On node 1, login as the oracle user using the command:
    • # su - oracle
  2. As oracle user, run the following command to create your ssh key:
    • # ssh-keygen
  3. Enter the file in which to save the key. (we recommend using the default location)
  4. When asked for a passphrase, please leave it blank for the oracle user. Oracle requires that you have an empty passphrase in order to have the ability to have password less ssh cababilities during the installation process.
  5. As oracle user, we will now run the following command to hold private keys used for public key authentication.
    • # ssh-agent bash
  6. As oracle user, we will now run the following command to add RSA identities to the authentication agent as follows:
    • ssh-add
  7. As oracle user, we will use the ssh-copy-id utility in order to copy our public key to our other nodes within our oracle cluster using the command:
    • # ssh-copy-id
    • where nodeX is one of nodes in your oracle clustered environment. Please repeat 7 to include all nodes within your clustered environment.
Article Properties
Article Number: 000146525
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2021
Version:  3
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