• Healthcare & Life Sciences

    The healthcare - life sciences digital future is here. Let's move forward together.

    With a patient first, data-anywhere focus, we’re reimagining patient care delivery – where secure, modern health IT solutions enable a more connected workforce providing personalized care to patients wherever they might be.

    • See how transformative solutions can power your clinical, research and business needs for today and tomorrow.

    • Modernized IT

      Reimagining a modern IT transformation for healthcare - life sciences from vision to reality. Accelerate readiness and agility for what’s coming next.

    • Sentara Healthcare modernizes IT to facilitate a patient-centric, data-first, cloud-smart approach with Dell Technologies.

    • The Healthcare CIO Perspective: Driving Clinical and Business Agility with MultiCloud.

    • Connected workforce

      Connected workforce transformation enables clinical and business staff to work anywhere, at any time.

    • See innovative healthcare solutions that can positively transform the workforce. 

    • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is using innovative AR/VR and AI technologies, creating 3D surgical simulations to improve outcomes and reassure caregivers when they need it most.

    • Virtual health

      Expanding caregiver reach to provide better patient care delivery to a larger set of patients with the ability to offer enhanced services for new revenue streams.

    • Virtual Care Deployment is Accelerating in Today’s Healthcare Environments.

    • Personalized health

      Making care even more individualized. Accelerating time-to-insights to identify new ways to treat patients and manage diseases.

    • See how TGen is solving complex problems for patients through genomic testing with Dell and Intel high performance computing solutions.

    • Digital pathology solutions from the slide to the data center to the cloud.

    • Secure care

      Securing patient and business data has never been more important. Comprehensive security for staff, network, endpoints, data and recovery.

    • See  how Dell Technologies delivers on the promise of Secure Care by offering a comprehensive set of IT solutions that meet compliance needs, optimize performance and data security across a multicloud ecosystem.

    • See how healthcare secures IT environments, ensuring business & clinical staff are fully equipped to respond to cyber threats.

    • We know how to make your healthcare – life sciences transformation real

    • Follow us and learn how we can help you redefine care with technology