Why should you take our networking training?

Do you ever ask yourself, “Why should I attend yet another training about networking?” or “I already have other industry certifications and have been in the networking business for many years — what’s special about this training?”  These are all valid questions and concerns. We hear you loud and clear.

As a networking professional your time is extremely valuable to everyone, including your company. You know how to flip bits and convert to hexadecimal, right? Well, we don’t want you to attend just another networking training. We want you to walk away with information and a hands-on experience that you might not receive anywhere else. Have you checked out Dell’s Networking technical training portfolio lately?

The Dell Networking technical training portfolio includes both eLearning and instructor-led training. Here’s a bit more information on some of our eLearning courses:

Did you know Dell Networking training includes instructor-led training in major metropolitan areas throughout the United States?  The Dell Networking FTOS Configuration and Operations training is a mix of lecture with a great deal of time allotted for hands-on experience in a safe environment where you will use your existing knowledge and skill set and the new knowledge you’ve gained. When you leave, you will have configured one to three S-Series switches in our live training environment. Our instructors will help you through challenges in the classroom so you can be a confident Dell Networking trusted advisor in the field.

Are you convinced yet? For more information Registered, Preferred and Premier Partners can check out the course curriculum for Networking on the PartnerDirect Portal, here.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming training sessions!

About the Author: Sara Mesarchik