The Opportunity Is Once In A Lifetime

Customers are thinking differently about their business and IT strategies. They’re demanding more as they face a “transform or die” decision. But as Jay Snyder, Senior Vice President, Global Alliances, Service Providers and Industries, declared at Dell World in Las Vegas last week, “together, with our partners, we’re more relevant than ever.” In fact, Snyder stated that, “in 2016 we were incredibly relevant and in 2017 we are required.”

Jay Snyder takes the stage at the GPS General Session

Expectations are high, and we have the commitment across the executive leadership team at Dell to invest in our alliance, service provider and industry practices. Our time is now. The opportunity is ours for the taking. We have momentum.

What kind of momentum? Having just launched the Dell Partner Program in February, we’re already seeing great traction. John Byrne highlighted this in his Global Partner Summit keynote. But what does it mean for us? For our Alliance, Service Provider and Industry partners?

Jay highlighted five key tenants that he believes are critical to success:

  • Money – Who isn’t interested in making more money? Well today, we can say that we have aligned compensation plans where everyone gets paid and core sales is armed to enable our partners. We now have rebates starting at the first dollar and both earned and proposal-based Business Development Funds.
  • Resources – A year ago we committed to providing more resources to help our partners be more successful. Well, we did just that, building our our portfolio sales team, expanding our global industries practices to address new markets and expand our capabilities and we added 5X the number of Global Architects for our Systems Integrators and Strategic Outsources.
  • Solutions – As you’ve heard from Dell, we strive to have the best possible products and solutions in the industry. Our portfolio of product provides more opportunities for business outcomes and growth. And today, we now have a dedicated team focused on Telcos and Service Providers to enable the deliver of as-a-Service solutions.
  • Consumption Models – As partners, its critical to understand the Dell Financial Services (DFS) model. It’s a game changer and enables us to win more business, delivering better business outcomes. Customers are demanding change – to the ways they consume and purchase IT. DFS provides more flexibility, meeting the changing demands of the market.
  • Partner Plan – When it comes to plans, we’re eliminating barriers to both win and grow. When we build a plan together, we are truly better together. We must be clean, crisp, concise and actionable. With a shared vision, clear path to market, focus on differentiated capabilities and unified goals, we can win big.

“We don’t prioritize partners, we prioritize plans,” said Snyder. “This is about building a business, not just doing business. The opportunity truly is once in a lifetime.”

About the Author: Dell Technologies