Online Support Company Administration Update

In the October Update blog post, we highlighted some of the ways our Customer Service teams have developed solutions to address customer concerns around their Online Support experience. As we continue to gather customer feedback in order to continuously improve your service and support experience, we are pleased to share the following updates to the Online Support Company Administration experience.

Improved Company Administration Navigation

When selecting ‘View and Manage Company Information’ from Online Support, you will now see a more accurate description of the navigation options available to you based on your unique role:


View sites, products, and contacts within your organization, as well as any pending requests that you have submitted for site access.

Partner Administrator

View and manage sites and contacts within your organization.

View any pending requests that you have submitted for site access.

Company Administrator

View and manage sites and contacts within your organization.

Manage access requests to sites within your organization.

Improved Visibility for Customer and Partner Administrators

Easily View Details for a Specific Contact – Now you can view details for each contact within your organization under ‘Manage Contacts’ within Company Administration. Simply click on the contact’s last name and view the sites they have access to (‘Site Access’ tab) and products for which they have been designated as a product-level contact (‘Product Level Contacts’ tab). From these views, administrators can further customize their experience with a number of filtering options as well as export the data set for further analysis.


Easily View Internal Contacts for a Specific Site – Now you can view the list of internal contacts for a given site from ‘Manage Sites’ within Company Administration. Simply select the site, then select ‘Internal Contacts’ tab to view, filter, and export the list of contacts from your company that have access to that site.

Note: The contact listing within this view is displayed only for sites with an ‘Open’ site security level. To perform any actions on a contact, navigate to ‘Manage Contacts’ by selecting ‘Contacts’ from the drop down menu.


As always, we will share updates on the latest Online Support functionality as it is released and invite you to continue to submit your feedback through the Help and Feedback form.

For detailed Company Administration instructions, please visit the Online Support Help page. For tips and tricks to enhance your online experience, visit the Tip of the Month archives in the Connect with Customer Service community.

Holly Anderson

Principal Manager, Dell Social Support

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Holly Anderson

About the Author: Holly Anderson

Holly Anderson was formerly an Enterprise Social Media Senior Advisor for Dell Technologies.